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Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy And…
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Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy And Art (2004. Auflage)

von Susan L. Aberth, Leonora Carrington

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1913147,576 (4.41)2
Now available in paperback, this book remains the definitive survey of the life and work of Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington (1917-2011). Carrington burst onto the Surrealist scene in 1936, when, as a precocious nineteen-year-old debutante, she escaped the stultifying demands of her wealthy English family by running away to Paris with her lover Max Ernst. She was immediately championed by Andre Breton, who responded enthusiastically to her fantastical, dark and satirical writing style and her interest in fairy tales and the occult. Her stories were included in Surrealist publications, and her paintings in the Surrealists' exhibitions. After the dramas and tragic separations of the Second World War, Carrington ended up in the 1940s as part of the circle of Surrealist European emigres living in Mexico City. Close friends with Luis Bunuel, Benjamin Peret, Octavio Paz and a host of both expatriate Surrealists and Mexican modernists, Carrington was at the centre of Mexican cultural life, while still maintaining her European connections. Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art provides a fascinating overview of this intriguing artist's rich body of work. The author considers Carrington's preoccupation with alchemy and the occult, and explores the influence of indigenous Mexican culture and beliefs on her production.… (mehr)
Titel:Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy And Art
Autoren:Susan L. Aberth
Weitere Autoren:Leonora Carrington
Info:Lund Humphries Publishers (2004), Hardcover, 160 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy, and Art von Susan L. Aberth

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Even if the text for this by Susan Aberth had been shit (it wasn't) I'd still love this bk just for the repros of the paintings. I wdn't exactly call the writing 'inspired' but I'd give the author credit for certainly revealing plenty about Carrington. I was particularly delighted to learn that Alexandro Jodorowsky (of "El Topo" etc fame) staged Carrington's 1957 play "Penelope" in Mexico City. I'd like to read a whole bk just about that - the one foto's very enticing. Was there music for it? If so, by whom? If Conlon Nancarrow did it (unlikely I suppose) that wd be enuf to push me over the edge. It looks like something that shd be restaged w/ music by Liz Downing.

ANYWAY, the paintings: overflowing w/ animism, humor, esoteric symbolism - about the latter: I don't even necessarily care about what it MEANS, it still resonates w/ MEANING.. no matter what. The paintings are utterly convincing that there's life behind life on top of life in parallel dimensions to life in death, in, in.. IN other words, the work strikes me as truly visionary: the product of a seer, of a mind so open that it SEES even the invisible w/ intense accuracy. Some of them, "Chiki, ton pays" eg, are so detailed & finely wrought that they easily rival their precursors amongst the alchemical illustrations in the magnificent Taschen "Alchemy & Mysticism".

Many of the works are in private collections. If I had one of Carrington's paintings in my home I'm not sure I cd bear it. It'd be almost impossible to not look at constantly, it's presence wd be so powerful that it might burn me out like a surge in an unprepared circuit. Looking at a Carrington painting, even in reproduction, is like finding what you didn't even know you were looking for during an acid trip.. & then being unable to absorb its lesson. Nonetheless, even having the experience at all is enuf to make a profound impression.

But, then, do you ever wonder? WHY?! I mean the odd spirit intensely channels so many potentials in life, crosses astounding borders & abysses, creates such wonders as these paintings.. & THEN? dies. But then I wrote earlier "there's life behind life on top of life in parallel dimensions to life in death". I can only hope that Carrington manages to burn so bright in many ways & shape-shiftings unto & beyond 'til death do us part.

A (wo)men. ( )
  tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
A nicely written biography of Carrington with a nice sampling of her work with extensive analyses of selected works. If you like surrealism, then this a great read. ( )
  bness2 | May 23, 2017 |
Beautiful and plentiful reproductions, with informative-enough accompanying text. The latter is without art, however, as unremarkable and shallow as the average undergrad's final paper in a course on women's art. It wasn't terrible writing but, in the end, it would have been preferable to read a stale encyclopedic entry of the same length than to be drowned in all the unsubstantiated assumptions Aberth weakly makes here. Definitely worthwhile for the prints and the simple facts about Carrington's life that are rather hard to come by in English language coverage (she's quite popular in Mexico). ( )
2 abstimmen olivetwist | Jan 22, 2009 |
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Now available in paperback, this book remains the definitive survey of the life and work of Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington (1917-2011). Carrington burst onto the Surrealist scene in 1936, when, as a precocious nineteen-year-old debutante, she escaped the stultifying demands of her wealthy English family by running away to Paris with her lover Max Ernst. She was immediately championed by Andre Breton, who responded enthusiastically to her fantastical, dark and satirical writing style and her interest in fairy tales and the occult. Her stories were included in Surrealist publications, and her paintings in the Surrealists' exhibitions. After the dramas and tragic separations of the Second World War, Carrington ended up in the 1940s as part of the circle of Surrealist European emigres living in Mexico City. Close friends with Luis Bunuel, Benjamin Peret, Octavio Paz and a host of both expatriate Surrealists and Mexican modernists, Carrington was at the centre of Mexican cultural life, while still maintaining her European connections. Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art provides a fascinating overview of this intriguing artist's rich body of work. The author considers Carrington's preoccupation with alchemy and the occult, and explores the influence of indigenous Mexican culture and beliefs on her production.

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