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Getting it von Alex Sanchez
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Getting it (2006. Auflage)

von Alex Sanchez

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297691,933 (3.45)2
Hoping to impress a sexy female classmate, fifteen-year-old Carlos secretly hires gay student Sal to give him an image makeover, in exchange for Carlos's help in forming a Gay-Straight Alliance at their Texas high school.
Titel:Getting it
Autoren:Alex Sanchez
Info:New York : Simon Pulse, 2007, c2006.
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:latinx, narrated from non LGBTQ+ POV, gay guy major character, high school, CW homophobic slurs, GSA, own voices, young adult


Getting It von Alex Sanchez

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Written from the perspective of a male teenager, the book has us re-live the angst of getting to know ourselves and accepting others as they struggle with the same. The book may help a teenager gain a greater understanding of themselves as Carlos does spend a significant part of the book in self-reflection. Good story, good characters, short chapters, and strong and at time blunt messages that allow the reader to arrive at the conclusions before most of the characters.
Maybe I am getting to be more of a prude as I grow older the book included a little more sex than I expected, really not all that much and straight. (if it were a movie it would receive a PG-13 rating) ( )
  MichaelC.Oliveira | Oct 1, 2017 |
Carlos want to get Roxy's attention but does not know how to do it. Under the impression that gays know how, thanks to Queer Eye TV series, Carlos approached gay Sal for help. This was particularly difficult for Carlos, growing up knowing that his father despise anything maricon and friends who seem to be homophobic.

In return, Sal wants Carlos to help him to set up Gay-Straight Alliance in the school. Already uncomfortable to be seen in public with Sal, this request is particularly more difficult for Carlos.

Sal steps into Carlos's life and transform not only his appearance, but his view of the gays.

I am surprised I enjoyed this book more than Sanchez's other writings. I thought this book had nothing much to offer, compared his first Rainbow Boys and the sensitive The God Box. I think Alex Sanchez got daring with his generous description. However, I am also aware his description was more on boy-girl and nothing on male-male.

Still, I liked what I have read. ( )
  starlight70 | Oct 17, 2011 |
Reviewed by Randstostipher "tallnlankyrn" Nguyen for

High school isn't too bad for Carlos Amoroso, except for the fact that he may be the only guy that hasn't gone all the way--or even kissed a girl. That's only because Carlos is waiting for his crush, Roxy Rodriguez, the most popular girl in school. The only problem is that Roxy doesn't even notice Carlos in the tiniest bit. And it's really bad that Carlos's friends keep on talking about all the girls they've been with.

But Carlos has a plan, which ironically appeared in his brain when he came upon the hit television show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. What better way to have someone notice you than by getting a complete makeover? All he needs is someone to do the makeover for him, and he's found the perfect person, Sal--the guy who everyone thinks is gay. Before he knows it, Sal agrees to help him out, but it comes with a price: Carlos has to pay Sal, and he has to help establish a Gay-Straight Alliance at their school.

With the help of Sal, Carlos takes on a whole new identity. With new clothes and a new hairstyle, along with a room that doesn't look like a dump, Carlos actually looks good. But not only is Carlos changing, but so are his friends, the way he feels about his dad, and the way he feels about Roxy. Could this makeover be for the best, or was it worth it at all?

Alex Sanchez does it again with his newest novel GETTING IT. On the surface, this is a hilarious story that feels like another episode of Queer Eye, but underneath lies serious issues that are prevalent in every high school. Alex Sanchez takes readers on a journey that may possibly change the way the readers view certain issues. This is the perfect book that includes a perfect lesson. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 11, 2009 |
This was the last Alex Sanchez book that I hadn't yet read, after having enjoyed his other books very much. In my opinion it is his weakest book in terms of character development, everything seems sort of shallow. I don't know if it's because it's written from a hetero point of view, but this book was very different from his other books. I'm a big fan of his other books, particularly "The God Box" and "The Rainbow Trilogy", but this one just didn't draw me in. ( )
  sherrie87 | Jun 16, 2008 |
I didn't like this as much as I've liked Alex Sanchez' other books. There's a lot of repetition, exttremely short chapters, and the book just scratches the surface of the complexities so much more deeply portaiyed in other books.
  graemestone | Apr 3, 2008 |
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Fifteen and still a virgin, Carlos Amoroso wanted more than anything to get a girlfriend -- and hopefully get laid.
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Hoping to impress a sexy female classmate, fifteen-year-old Carlos secretly hires gay student Sal to give him an image makeover, in exchange for Carlos's help in forming a Gay-Straight Alliance at their Texas high school.

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