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The Girl Who Couldn't Say No von Tracy…
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The Girl Who Couldn't Say No

von Tracy Engelbrecht

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661412,530 (3.11)Keine
A sharp, occasionally shocking, memoir that will change how you look at teenage mothers, The Girl Who Couldn't Say No is also an amusing look at dating as a single twenty-something with a teenager and a toddler.Told with frank South African humour and refreshingly mature insight, Tracy Engelbrechttells the story of how she came to find herself pregnant at 15 ... and how she coped with pregnancy, birth and homework. And, perhaps surprisingly,it's not all a complete disaster.This is an honest, unusual and utterly compelling memoir from an exciting new author.… (mehr)
Titel:The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Autoren:Tracy Engelbrecht
Info:Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten
Tags:i-own, kindle


The Girl Who Couldn't Say No: Memoir of a teenage mom von Tracy Engelbrecht

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As Comic-Book Guy from 'The Simpsons' might say, Worst. Book. Ever. Okay, maybe not EVER but it's pretty awful. And I'm never getting that time back. I'm not a single mother - but I did have an unplanned child at an inopportune time.

The woman may have been 27/28 when the book was published, but it sounds like it comes straight from the diaries of well, a fifteen year old. Good concept, important subject matter, TERRIBLY executed.

Through the blood, tears, sweat, and what sounds like the massive support of her family she was able to continue her education and have decent job prospects, but other than a quick blurb at the end, about young girls - postpartum, who still don't understand what it means to have a baby - it fails to be useful even as a cautionary tale.

I wish I'd known to begin with she was South African because the language (during the read) left me feeling like it was an American attempting to use British slang to set herself apart. That's my bad, I admit it.

I don't want to be personal, but it IS a memoir. I hopehopehope this woman is doing a little therapy and maybe seeing a psychiatrist - being of 'those that require a little extra mental health help' - I'm just calling it like it appears in the book.

Ugh. Don't read it. Don't even think about it. I can't believe this tripe has over three stars on Goodreads. ( )
  steadfastreader | Mar 18, 2014 |
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A sharp, occasionally shocking, memoir that will change how you look at teenage mothers, The Girl Who Couldn't Say No is also an amusing look at dating as a single twenty-something with a teenager and a toddler.Told with frank South African humour and refreshingly mature insight, Tracy Engelbrechttells the story of how she came to find herself pregnant at 15 ... and how she coped with pregnancy, birth and homework. And, perhaps surprisingly,it's not all a complete disaster.This is an honest, unusual and utterly compelling memoir from an exciting new author.

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