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New Testament Restoration harmony : the complete guide to the Four Gospels

von Monte S. Nyman

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In this unique study guide, Monte Nyman provides more than just a comparison of the King James Bible text, the Joseph Smith Translation, and the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith-this book also compares the Old Testament text with Old Testament scriptures used by the New Testament writers. the guide even compares modern scripture to similar writings by the New Testament apostles. Furthermore, the teachings of different apostles as well as letters to different groups are compared and contrasted; for example, differences and similarities in the writings of Peter and Jude, or Paul's writings to the Ephesians and Colossians, are clearly shown. As an added bonus, Brother Nyman has rearranged the Epistles of Paul to improve clarity and understanding of these scriptures. the compliers of the King James Bible placed the Epistles of Paul immediately after the book of Acts, according to their length. This study guide attempts to either place the epistles in the sequence to the time they were written, or to correlate them with the account of their author as found in the book of Acts. In New Testament Restoration Harmony: a Complete Guide to Acts through Revelations, these features come together to make your study of the New Testament easier, more enlightening, and more complete.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonjgbrinton, mcrae801
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In this unique study guide, Monte Nyman provides more than just a comparison of the King James Bible text, the Joseph Smith Translation, and the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith-this book also compares the Old Testament text with Old Testament scriptures used by the New Testament writers. the guide even compares modern scripture to similar writings by the New Testament apostles. Furthermore, the teachings of different apostles as well as letters to different groups are compared and contrasted; for example, differences and similarities in the writings of Peter and Jude, or Paul's writings to the Ephesians and Colossians, are clearly shown. As an added bonus, Brother Nyman has rearranged the Epistles of Paul to improve clarity and understanding of these scriptures. the compliers of the King James Bible placed the Epistles of Paul immediately after the book of Acts, according to their length. This study guide attempts to either place the epistles in the sequence to the time they were written, or to correlate them with the account of their author as found in the book of Acts. In New Testament Restoration Harmony: a Complete Guide to Acts through Revelations, these features come together to make your study of the New Testament easier, more enlightening, and more complete.

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