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Building Small Cabinets von Doug Stowe
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Building Small Cabinets (2011. Auflage)

von Doug Stowe (Autor)

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"A thoughtfully designed cabinet, built of carefully selected materials, transcends its utilitarian storage role into functional art. The eight wonderful small cabinets in this book will inspire novice and intermediate woodworkers to create a project that showcases not only their treasures, but also their talent. Detailed instructions along with 300 color photos and 30 drawings will help readers hone their cabinetmaking abilities, while design suggestions encourage them to use their own creativity and craftsmanship to customize the projects and make them their own"-- "Designed by award-winning woodworker, teacher, and bestselling author Doug Stowe, the cabinets in this book are thoughtfully designed, built of carefully selected materials, and have a utilitarian purpose. The skills learned through building these pieces can subsequently be applied to a wide variety of cabinetmaking projects. Throughout the book, Stowe offers suggestions for design options, allowing readers to customize the projects as well as learning how to create their own designs"--… (mehr)
Titel:Building Small Cabinets
Autoren:Doug Stowe (Autor)
Info:Taunton Press (2011), Edition: Illustrated, 160 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Building Small Cabinets von Doug Stowe

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJayPerrine, adensj, Sumpinfunky, ginevra_del_carmine
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"A thoughtfully designed cabinet, built of carefully selected materials, transcends its utilitarian storage role into functional art. The eight wonderful small cabinets in this book will inspire novice and intermediate woodworkers to create a project that showcases not only their treasures, but also their talent. Detailed instructions along with 300 color photos and 30 drawings will help readers hone their cabinetmaking abilities, while design suggestions encourage them to use their own creativity and craftsmanship to customize the projects and make them their own"-- "Designed by award-winning woodworker, teacher, and bestselling author Doug Stowe, the cabinets in this book are thoughtfully designed, built of carefully selected materials, and have a utilitarian purpose. The skills learned through building these pieces can subsequently be applied to a wide variety of cabinetmaking projects. Throughout the book, Stowe offers suggestions for design options, allowing readers to customize the projects as well as learning how to create their own designs"--

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