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Uneasy Spirits: A Victorian San Francisco…
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Uneasy Spirits: A Victorian San Francisco Mystery (2011. Auflage)

von M. Louisa Locke

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2791298,532 (3.68)6
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Second book in the USA Today bestselling Victorian San Francisco Mystery series.

In this sequel to Maids of Misfortune, it is the fall of 1879, and when the young San Francisco widow, Annie Fuller, is asked to investigate a fraudulent trance medium, she comes to a troubling realization. Despite Annie's growing financial success as the clairvoyant Madam Sibyl, she feels increasingly guilty about the fact she doesn't believe in the astrology and palmistry her clients think are the basis for her advice.

Kathleen Hennessey, Annie's young maid, has a plan. Just like the Pinkerton detectives she has read about in the dime novels, she is determined to assist her mistress in her investigations.

Nate Dawson, up-and-coming San Francisco lawyer, faces a dilemma. He wants to marry the unconventional Annie Fuller, but he doesn't feel he can reveal his true feelings until he has a way to make enough money to support her.
With Kathleen and Nate Dawson's help, Annie delves into the intriguing world of 19th century spiritualism, encountering true believers and nave dupes, clever frauds and unexplained supernatural phenomena, and she soon finds there are as many secrets as there are spirits swirling around the sance table. Some of those secrets will threaten the foundation of her career as Madam Sibyl and the future of her relationship with Nate Dawson, and, in time, they will threaten her very life itself.
In this second historical mystery in Locke's USA Today bestselling cozy Victorian San Francisco mystery series, readers will find the same combination of romance, mystery, and suspense they found in Maids of Misfortune. Uneasy Spirits is followed by Bloody Lessons, Deadly Proof, and Pilfered Promises. Locke's shorter works, found in Victorian San Francisco Stories and Victorian San Francisco Novellas, feature minor characters from the series.

… (mehr)
Titel:Uneasy Spirits: A Victorian San Francisco Mystery
Autoren:M. Louisa Locke
Info:CreateSpace (2011), Paperback, 388 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Uneasy Spirits von M. Louisa Locke

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Twists and turns throughout!

This was a fun read. Didn't expect the outcome at all but totally made sense after the story was over. Love those kinds of mysteries. The characters were great and I was so wrapped into their story. There for a few unanswered questions with some of the minor characters but everything else was wrapped up well. ( )
  SabethaDanes | Jan 30, 2023 |
Annie Fuller (aka Madam Sibyl) is asked by one of her boarders to investigate the medium Arabella Frampton. With the help of Kathleen, her maid, and Nate Dawson, friend and lawyer, they enter the world of spiritualism. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
The second in a cozy historical mystery series set in 1879 San Francisco, this was better than the first one. Annie Fuller, a widowed boarding house manager, is a compelling heroine and she and her friends are very well described. Her sometimes boyfriend, Nate Dawson, also has a good back story and he struggles as a young lawyer to get some meaty cases.

The plot is based on the then-popular fad of spiritualism and seances. Annie tries to help a friend by debunking a husband and wife team who practice their craft on unsuspecting victims. However, Annie does make some foolish choices and the “accidents” that keep happening are obvious to everyone but her.

I think the pacing and the length of this book were very good, and the author is skilled with description. What I didn’t like was the large number of characters. Were they all necessary to this plot? The mystery itself was well done and although it wasn’t a huge shock, it was a nice twist.

No foul language or sex, and very little violence. ( )
  mcfitz | Sep 19, 2017 |
Annie gets pulled into the middle when one of her boarders asks her to look into some possibly fraudulent mediums that have ensnared the boarder's sister. And then the plot thickens...

And- I like Nate and Annie for each other, but- wow. They both have Issues! especially about clear communication, and I really get bored when the plot requires that people not tell others things that are obviously relevant to them all. Unfortunately, this novel depended on that a bit much, hence the 4.5 rather than 5 stars.

I love the historical context of this series! Details big and small make the era and place vivid.

I am enjoying this series a lot! but it's pricey if you do not happen to catch a deal on an individual book. ( )
  cissa | Jan 18, 2017 |
Annie Fuller, widowed and running a boarding house in Victorian San Francisco has found that the only venue open to her to make a living, is as
Madam Sibyl, clairvoyant, specializing in business and domestic advice.

Annie doesn’t really believe in spirits but she keeps getting involved in solving mysteries. This time she is investigating spiritualists for fraudulent practices. Kathleen, her maid, accompanies her to the Frampton séances and Nate Dawson, friend, lawyer and romantic interest helps by gathering information.

An intriguing look at Victorian San Francisco, the politics, the history and the Spiritualism that ran rampant at this time. A little bit of a Sybil multi-personality disorder within a mystery with several threads, inferences that can be drawn and a nice flowing pace.
An enjoyable read. ( )
  Bettesbooks | Jan 9, 2017 |
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M. Louisa LockeHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Huffaker, MichelleUmschlaggestalterCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Dedicated to all the family and friends who gave their support suring the writing of this book. Special thanks to my writer's group, Ann Elwood, Abigail Padgett, and Janice Steinberg; my frineds Jime and Victoria Brown, Sally and Cecil Hawkins, and Terry Valverde; and my loving husband, Jim, and my daughter Ashley, and her family who hae given me such joy.

A special thanks to my father, Joseph H. Locke, who has provided me with the modl of how to grow old with grace, courage, and good humor.
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Why hasn't that good-for-nothing boy come up to get me ready for bed yet? (Prologue)
Annie Fuller leaned across to stare at the woman's hands resting palms up on the dark green velvet tablecloth in front of her.
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Second book in the USA Today bestselling Victorian San Francisco Mystery series.

In this sequel to Maids of Misfortune, it is the fall of 1879, and when the young San Francisco widow, Annie Fuller, is asked to investigate a fraudulent trance medium, she comes to a troubling realization. Despite Annie's growing financial success as the clairvoyant Madam Sibyl, she feels increasingly guilty about the fact she doesn't believe in the astrology and palmistry her clients think are the basis for her advice.

Kathleen Hennessey, Annie's young maid, has a plan. Just like the Pinkerton detectives she has read about in the dime novels, she is determined to assist her mistress in her investigations.

Nate Dawson, up-and-coming San Francisco lawyer, faces a dilemma. He wants to marry the unconventional Annie Fuller, but he doesn't feel he can reveal his true feelings until he has a way to make enough money to support her.
With Kathleen and Nate Dawson's help, Annie delves into the intriguing world of 19th century spiritualism, encountering true believers and nave dupes, clever frauds and unexplained supernatural phenomena, and she soon finds there are as many secrets as there are spirits swirling around the sance table. Some of those secrets will threaten the foundation of her career as Madam Sibyl and the future of her relationship with Nate Dawson, and, in time, they will threaten her very life itself.
In this second historical mystery in Locke's USA Today bestselling cozy Victorian San Francisco mystery series, readers will find the same combination of romance, mystery, and suspense they found in Maids of Misfortune. Uneasy Spirits is followed by Bloody Lessons, Deadly Proof, and Pilfered Promises. Locke's shorter works, found in Victorian San Francisco Stories and Victorian San Francisco Novellas, feature minor characters from the series.


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