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And Diverse Are Their Hues: Color in Islamic Art and Culture (The Biennial Hamad bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art)

von Jonathan Bloom

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The Koran uses the phrase "and diverse are their hues" to describe the glorious chromatic variety of God's creation. Color has always been an important signifier in Islamic art, and its uses have encompassed the practical as well as the mystical and poetic. This comprehensive volume is the first to analyze the use of color in Islamic art and architecture from a range of artistic and cultural perspectives. A prestigious team of international scholars discusses the applications and implications of color in Islamic cultures from medieval to modern times and from Central Asia to Spain and beyond. They look at art, architecture, literature, philosophy, mysticism, optics, and conservation studies. Amply and vividly illustrated, And Diverse Are Their Hues is also a remarkable visual resource for Islamic carpets, ceramic tiles, manuscripts, gardens, and buildings. -- Book jacket.… (mehr)
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The Koran uses the phrase "and diverse are their hues" to describe the glorious chromatic variety of God's creation. Color has always been an important signifier in Islamic art, and its uses have encompassed the practical as well as the mystical and poetic. This comprehensive volume is the first to analyze the use of color in Islamic art and architecture from a range of artistic and cultural perspectives. A prestigious team of international scholars discusses the applications and implications of color in Islamic cultures from medieval to modern times and from Central Asia to Spain and beyond. They look at art, architecture, literature, philosophy, mysticism, optics, and conservation studies. Amply and vividly illustrated, And Diverse Are Their Hues is also a remarkable visual resource for Islamic carpets, ceramic tiles, manuscripts, gardens, and buildings. -- Book jacket.

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