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Madly (Madly, #1) von M. Leighton
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Madly (Madly, #1) (2011. Auflage)

von M. Leighton

Reihen: Madly (1)

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828338,265 (3.53)2
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Novella/Short Story Ratings
Book ♥♥ 2 Stars

This was a teaser that leads you to buy another book. Sometimes I wonder why people do this because I was so not interested in the little bit included in the book that I will not purchase the next book in the series. The ONLY reason that I did not give this book a lower rating is because I think it could have been a great storyline if it made sense. I think the author did well with character development but, I did NOT like the characters. 2 stars is all I can give this free short read. ( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
Woah, a book about mermaids! This is great stuff. Madly is doing an intership in the human world when all hell breaks loose on her underwater home of Atlas. Madly and her handful of friends take it upon themselves to fix the situation. A fast paced novelette with a good mix of danger, action and romance ( )
  AshPReads | Mar 8, 2016 |
  Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 15, 2015 |
This novella is the start to the brand-new Madly series, a mermaid series that blends threads of traditional lore with new mythology. I love mermaid-themed stories and this one was really fun. At 53 pages, it is a short read,, but it is a great introduction to the world of Madly!

Fairy tales are brought into the mythology of Madly through the Eight Lores, whom humanity believes are only that... fairy tales. In reality, the Eight Lores are spirits of those fairy tale creatures who have escaped prison to awaken their descendants. The story centers around that premise and creates a very different world than I have read before in mermaid fiction.
The four main characters are Madly, her BFF Jersey, Jersey's brother Jackson, and Madly's betrothed Aidan. There are the typical teenage angst right along with the magic and fantasy of the mermaid world. Madly is a princess and she has a bit of a rebellious streak, which can be awkward when there are some rather strict rules about what she can and can't do in that capacity. All four of these characters are fantastic, each one with their own story.

Some Quotastic Goodness

--If I closed my eyes, I could almost feel the humid sea breeze ruffling my hair, the hot sun shining down on my face. I could almost smell the sweet hint of jasmine in the air, too (Loc. 31).
--Jackson’s lips pursed as he kissed my fingertips, sending a shockwave of electricity scorching its way along my nerve ends (Loc. 396).

My Recommendation: There is action, there is adventure, there is mystery, there is intrigue. And there is lots of good swooniness! I can't wait to read the next book, Madly & Wolfhardt.

This review originally appeared on my blog, ( )
  Kiki870 | Apr 23, 2014 |
Its okay but a definitely interesting point of view towards fairy tales ( )
  Selina.Marie.Liaw | Aug 2, 2013 |
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