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The Seeds of Wither (The Chemical Garden…
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The Seeds of Wither (The Chemical Garden #1.5) (2011. Auflage)

von Lauren DeStefano

Reihen: Chemical Garden Trilogy (prequel)

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Step into the Chemical Garden with an all-new eBook sampler! Discover the world author Lauren DeStefano created in Wither, a riveting dystopian thriller. In the not-so-distant future, fallout from genetic engineering causes all females to die at age twenty, and all males to die at twenty-five. Kidnapped from her home and torn from her twin brother Rowan, sixteen-year-old Rhine is forced into a polygamous marriage and taken to live in her husband's mansion. She has everything she wants--except for freedom. But her plans to escape and return home are complicated by a devious father-in-law, as well as Rhine's growing attraction to Gabriel, a servant who works on the estate. Read the first 100 pages of Wither and be captivated by Rhine's journey. This eBook sampler includes an EXCLUSIVE, never-before-published short story by Lauren DeStefano! "The First Bride" reveals the events leading up to Wither, from the point of view of the bride that came before Rhine. Delve even deeper into Wither with a map of the wives' floor, the Wither book trailer, and a video that takes you behind the scenes of the Fever cover shoot. You'll also get a sneak peak of Fever, the second book in the Chemical Garden trilogy, before it goes on sale 2/21/12! … (mehr)
Titel:The Seeds of Wither (The Chemical Garden #1.5)
Autoren:Lauren DeStefano
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2011), ebook, 77 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten
Tags:i-own, kindle


The Seeds of Wither von Lauren DeStefano

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I have to admit this was beautiful, but I was hoping that it would be much longer, that it would go much deeper, and expand so much more on the characters we've grown to know through the shadows of the earlier series bits. ( )
  wanderlustlover | Dec 27, 2022 |
Nice to be able to see how Rose and Linden came to be a couple who actually cared for each other in this world. Interesting to see Rose's thoughts and not just words to others as she spiraled towards her own imminent death. I think I could have really liked Rose had she been around a bit more in the first book.

This book also had a teaser of book 1 and a preview of book 2, but since I'd already read book 1 and I have book 2 waiting for me, I chose to just read the bonus story. ( )
  MynTop | Apr 8, 2016 |
I adored "Wither" and "Fever" is my most anticipated book of the new year. I paid $1.99 happily for this book and I don't mind paying that for a short story set in a world I love. However, I wanted to make potential buyers aware that this is a very short story that I didn't feel personally added anything to the series. There is there first six chapters of "Wither" included as well as a preview of "Fever". I didn't need to read either as I have already read 'Wither" and I dont' want to know anything about "Fever" until I dig into it upon the official release. The map is a cute little addition and the extras are two links that take readers to a behind the scenes clip of the making of the "Fever" cover and to a trailer for the first book. I felt that $1.99 was too much to ask for this short story since everything else including are merely marketing tools. If the story was more interesting I would have been happy to pay for it, but I still felt vaguely disappointed. ( )
  pacey1927 | May 13, 2012 |
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Step into the Chemical Garden with an all-new eBook sampler! Discover the world author Lauren DeStefano created in Wither, a riveting dystopian thriller. In the not-so-distant future, fallout from genetic engineering causes all females to die at age twenty, and all males to die at twenty-five. Kidnapped from her home and torn from her twin brother Rowan, sixteen-year-old Rhine is forced into a polygamous marriage and taken to live in her husband's mansion. She has everything she wants--except for freedom. But her plans to escape and return home are complicated by a devious father-in-law, as well as Rhine's growing attraction to Gabriel, a servant who works on the estate. Read the first 100 pages of Wither and be captivated by Rhine's journey. This eBook sampler includes an EXCLUSIVE, never-before-published short story by Lauren DeStefano! "The First Bride" reveals the events leading up to Wither, from the point of view of the bride that came before Rhine. Delve even deeper into Wither with a map of the wives' floor, the Wither book trailer, and a video that takes you behind the scenes of the Fever cover shoot. You'll also get a sneak peak of Fever, the second book in the Chemical Garden trilogy, before it goes on sale 2/21/12! 

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