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Controlling Salmonella in Poultry Production and Processing

von Scott M. Russell

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Salmonella is a major pathogen that can result in deadly foodborne illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 1.4 million cases of Salmonella poisoning each year in the United States from a variety of causes, with undercooked poultry and eggs being the prime culprits. Therefore, intervention strategies are vital to reducing its occurrence. Controlling Salmonella in Poultry Production and Processing provides a complete analysis of the challenges faced in controlling Salmonella in this industry and keeping the public safe from this threat. Author Scott M. Russell, Ph.D., works closely with the poultry industry throughout the United States and Canada and with companies in Central and South America, Europe, and China. In this volume, he explores: The origin of Salmonella in poultry Intervention strategies for controlling Salmonella during breeding, hatching, grow-out, transportation, and processing How to design a processing plant to eliminate Salmonella How to verify intervention strategies to ensure they are working Increasing yield during processing while controlling Salmonella New regulations being proposed by USDA-FSIS and their impact on poultry companies regarding competition and international exportation of products The differences between the EU and the U.S. with regard to Salmonella control Providing readers with numerous examples of real-world experiences, Dr. Russell offers knowledge gleaned from traveling to poultry plants throughout the world over an 18-year period, assisting processors with identifying the sources of Salmonella in their operations, and developing successful intervention strategies.… (mehr)
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Salmonella is a major pathogen that can result in deadly foodborne illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 1.4 million cases of Salmonella poisoning each year in the United States from a variety of causes, with undercooked poultry and eggs being the prime culprits. Therefore, intervention strategies are vital to reducing its occurrence. Controlling Salmonella in Poultry Production and Processing provides a complete analysis of the challenges faced in controlling Salmonella in this industry and keeping the public safe from this threat. Author Scott M. Russell, Ph.D., works closely with the poultry industry throughout the United States and Canada and with companies in Central and South America, Europe, and China. In this volume, he explores: The origin of Salmonella in poultry Intervention strategies for controlling Salmonella during breeding, hatching, grow-out, transportation, and processing How to design a processing plant to eliminate Salmonella How to verify intervention strategies to ensure they are working Increasing yield during processing while controlling Salmonella New regulations being proposed by USDA-FSIS and their impact on poultry companies regarding competition and international exportation of products The differences between the EU and the U.S. with regard to Salmonella control Providing readers with numerous examples of real-world experiences, Dr. Russell offers knowledge gleaned from traveling to poultry plants throughout the world over an 18-year period, assisting processors with identifying the sources of Salmonella in their operations, and developing successful intervention strategies.

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