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A Mango-Shaped Space von Wendy Mass
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A Mango-Shaped Space (2005. Auflage)

von Wendy Mass

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,856859,472 (4.15)25
Afraid that she is crazy, thirteen-year-old Mia, who sees a special color with every letter, number, and sound, keeps this a secret until she becomes overwhelmed by school, changing relationships, and the loss of something important to her.
Titel:A Mango-Shaped Space
Autoren:Wendy Mass
Info:Little, Brown Young Readers (2005), Paperback, 240 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:battle of the books 2008, pet death, YA, schnider family award


A Mango-Shaped Space von Wendy Mass

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  AnkaraLibrary | Feb 29, 2024 |
Really interesting! It dealt with a topic which isn’t very well known and had it explained in a interesting and emotional way. I liked the way the main character was forced to tell people about her synthesia. I thought it was very realistic despite being pretty anticlimactic, and I think that the dead cats troupe should replace the dead dogs troupe for a couple centuries. ( )
  ElizaMirk | Jun 13, 2023 |
Kids have been telling me I have to read this book for years, and I finally did it. It was really great - it's about a girl in eighth grade who has synesthesia. There are different forms of synesthesia, and for her, she sees colors when she sees letters and numbers, and when she hears sounds she sees colored shapes. Her family has a really hard time believing her, and then when they finally do, it's hard for them to accept that she doesn't need to be cured. One of the great things about this book is that it's not one of those "issues" books where the characters are all two dimensional and teaching you some life lesson. It's an engrossing story full of complicated characters and situations that are easy to relate to. Good thing I finally read it. ( )
  kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
One of my absolute childhood favorites. Not quite sure why, but when I think of it I smile. ( )
  roseandisabella | Mar 18, 2022 |
The perspective of a girl with synesthesia is a new one for me. I found myself wondering if the descriptions and experiences are truly reflective of what that diagnosis looks like for a person. This is a growing-up story and a dealing-with-life story. As an audiobook, the narration was pleasant and engaging. The ending felt very fast, so I would have wanted more details about how she addressed some of the issues she caused. She really needed to tell her parents about some of the things she had been doing.

Overall, it was a book I picked up out of curiosity for the POV and the medical journey. There is a really good support system when she finally gets a correct diagnosis and some help. I do wish there was a more positive reflection on therapists, even psychotherapists. It's not a good idea to have kids be scared to go talk to someone.

I'd recommend this as a children's book. I enjoy [b:The Candymakers|8112318|The Candymakers (The Candymakers, #1)|Wendy Mass||12907434] more than this one, probably because it involves chocolate and a mystery, but this book gave me a new perspective on how learning adaptation works and why listening is so necessary. ( )
  Emma.June.Lyon | Nov 1, 2021 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (1 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Wendy MassHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Ferland, DanielleErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Afraid that she is crazy, thirteen-year-old Mia, who sees a special color with every letter, number, and sound, keeps this a secret until she becomes overwhelmed by school, changing relationships, and the loss of something important to her.

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