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I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence…
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I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence (2006. Auflage)

von Amy Sedaris

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
2,376526,737 (3.84)28
Cooking & Food. Crafts. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:The inspiration for the TV show At Home with Amy Sedaris, here is a hilarious, helpful, and informative guide on how to entertain.

Are you lacking direction in how to whip up a swanky soiree for lumberjacks? A dinner party for white-collar workers? A festive gathering for the grieving? Don't despair!
Take a cue from entertaining expert Amy Sedaris and host an unforgettable fete that will have your guests raving. No matter the style or size of the gathering - from the straightforward to the bizarre - I LIKE YOU provides jackpot recipes and solid advice laced with Amy's blisteringly funny take on entertaining, plus four-color photos and enlightening sidebars on everything it takes to pull off a party with extraordinary flair.
You don't even need to be a host or hostess to benefit - Amy offers tips for guests, too! (Rule number one: don't be fifteen minutes early.) Readers will discover unique dishes to serve alcoholics ("Broiled Frozen Chicken Wings with Applesauce"), the secret to a successful children's party (a half-hour time limit, games included), plus a whole appendix chock-full of arts and crafts ideas (from a mini-pantyhose plant-hanger to a do-it-yourself calf stretcher), and much, much more!
"In At Home with Amy Sedaris, Ms. Sedaris offers deliriously twisted takes on the homemaking skills she skewered in her books I Like You and Simple Times." — The New York Times
… (mehr)
Titel:I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence
Autoren:Amy Sedaris
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2006), Hardcover, 304 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Like You: Hospitality under the Influence von Amy Sedaris

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Funny but I'm vegetarian so most of the recipes didn't apply or appeal to me. Hence the two stars. ( )
  stickersthatmatter | May 29, 2023 |
Not going to rate this with stars. It's just not a book I would like because I am allergic to other people in a party setting. I didn't finish it though I could see its entertainment value.
  Tosta | Jul 5, 2021 |
I like the idea of Amy Seders sending up Martha Stewart much better than the reality. Don't get me wrong, so of this book is very funny. But I found myself out of sync with her sense of humor on more than one occasion. Despite that, I would give anything to be a guest at one of her parties. It wouldn't be boring ( )
  Colleen5096 | Oct 29, 2020 |
Wow, this was weird. Entertaining and even darkly fascinating...but mostly weird. ( )
  Mrs.Soule | Nov 25, 2019 |
The oddest (and funniest) book on entertaining ever. It's very goofy but manages to remind us all that we don't all have to take the Martha Stewart approach. ( )
  JanetNoRules | Sep 17, 2018 |
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Dedicated to...Mom, Dad, Lisa, David, Gretchen, Tiffany, Paul, Aunt Joyce, Madelyn Rose, Paul Dinello, and Mr. Mushroom
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Dear [your name here], Whether you live in a basement with the income of a ten-year-old girl or on a saffron farm in the south of Spain, the spirit of hospitality is the same.
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Cooking & Food. Crafts. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:The inspiration for the TV show At Home with Amy Sedaris, here is a hilarious, helpful, and informative guide on how to entertain.

Are you lacking direction in how to whip up a swanky soiree for lumberjacks? A dinner party for white-collar workers? A festive gathering for the grieving? Don't despair!
Take a cue from entertaining expert Amy Sedaris and host an unforgettable fete that will have your guests raving. No matter the style or size of the gathering - from the straightforward to the bizarre - I LIKE YOU provides jackpot recipes and solid advice laced with Amy's blisteringly funny take on entertaining, plus four-color photos and enlightening sidebars on everything it takes to pull off a party with extraordinary flair.
You don't even need to be a host or hostess to benefit - Amy offers tips for guests, too! (Rule number one: don't be fifteen minutes early.) Readers will discover unique dishes to serve alcoholics ("Broiled Frozen Chicken Wings with Applesauce"), the secret to a successful children's party (a half-hour time limit, games included), plus a whole appendix chock-full of arts and crafts ideas (from a mini-pantyhose plant-hanger to a do-it-yourself calf stretcher), and much, much more!
"In At Home with Amy Sedaris, Ms. Sedaris offers deliriously twisted takes on the homemaking skills she skewered in her books I Like You and Simple Times." — The New York Times

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Durchschnitt: (3.84)
1 11
1.5 3
2 40
2.5 6
3 148
3.5 20
4 208
4.5 15
5 181

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