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Indulge (Warm Delicacy, #2) von Megan Duncan
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Indulge (Warm Delicacy, #2) (2011. Auflage)

von Megan Duncan

Reihen: Warm Delicacy (2)

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Claire's heart is torn between her first vampire love, Dmitry, and the Blood Mate, Arrick, that she is eternally bonded to with a powerfully deep and emotional connection. A vengeful vampire is haunting her steps, after Claire killed their mate. An ancient evil threatens to rip her world apart. With the danger of war looming on the darkening horizon, will Claire find the strength to fight back and protect those she loves? Even if it means embracing the darkness inside her? Is it worth it to become the evil she fears, in order to destroy it?… (mehr)
Titel:Indulge (Warm Delicacy, #2)
Autoren:Megan Duncan
Info:Publisher Unknown (2011), Kindle Edition, 367 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Indulge von Megan Duncan

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The end of Savor was such a cliffhanger, I immediately purchased Indulge, however I was a bit disappointed. Claire still continues to annoy me, at first glance, she seemed more mature but I didn't believe it. She was trying too hard to prove she's grown and is now a super bad-ass vampire. She might be bad-ass but she was rude, mean, smug and pretty much a bitch most of the time. I guess she was truly being the princess she is. I very much dislike her voice and don't believe it for one minute. I can't understand why everyone else through her eyes is so much more likable and comes across as more real but yet Claire sounds immature and unbelievable. I'm going to have to some it up as her not being a well written or thought out character. Her voice comes across as robotic and fake.

Well anyway, Claire continues to learn more about herself and the vampire world. She meets new people and prepares for the coming battle against the Dark while continuing her ridiculous musings. So far the climax for each book seems to come at the end, but it feels rushed. I still think it's a good concept contrary to my dislike of the protagonist. ( )
  ItsBookishMe | Oct 22, 2016 |
"Indulge" is book 2 in the Warm Delicacy series by Megan Duncan. There is no doubt that Ms. Duncan is an excellent writer. With this series she has taken the well tread vampire plotline and given it a new twist. The book, like the original installment, is unique and fast paced. There have been several creative surprising twists that I never saw coming and so I was kept engaged throughout the story. Yet for some reason I just can't connect to this series like I have other YA paranormal titles.

It comes down to the fact that although I enjoy the plot, the writing, and the supporting characters I simply don't like the main heroine Claire. I realized that I didn't particularly care for her in the first book. She sure didn't seem to miss her mom and best friend even though she made comments occasionally to say she did. With "Indulge" I liked her even less. I wanted to root for her, I truly did. I found Claire to be self-centered and judgemental. Over and again she thinks this exact line "There has never been a vampire like me before." While this may be true, it seemed to give Claire all the reason she needed to justify any behavior or decisions she made without regard to how it would affect anyone else. When anyone else notices Claire's less flattering personality traits they just seem to smile and indulge her like it is cute.

I am undecided on finishing this series at this point. I hate to lose the opportunity to read more of this wonderful world the author has created, but I just don't know if I can root for Claire anymore. I kinda wanted to see her staked to be perfectly honest. ( )
  pacey1927 | May 13, 2012 |
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Claire's heart is torn between her first vampire love, Dmitry, and the Blood Mate, Arrick, that she is eternally bonded to with a powerfully deep and emotional connection. A vengeful vampire is haunting her steps, after Claire killed their mate. An ancient evil threatens to rip her world apart. With the danger of war looming on the darkening horizon, will Claire find the strength to fight back and protect those she loves? Even if it means embracing the darkness inside her? Is it worth it to become the evil she fears, in order to destroy it?

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