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When You Give a Duke a Diamond (The Fallen…
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When You Give a Duke a Diamond (The Fallen Ladies) (2012. Auflage)

von Shana Galen

Reihen: Jewels of the Ton (1)

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15814178,865 (3.54)4
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

He had had a perfectly orderly life...until she came along

William, the sixth Duke of Pelham, enjoys his punctual. securely structured life. Orderly and predictable-that's the way he likes it. But he's in the public eye, and the scandal sheets will make up anything to sell papers. When the gossips link him to Juliette, one of the most beautiful and celebrated courtesans in London, chaos doesn't begin to describe what happens next.

Juliette is nicknamed the Duchess of Dalliance, and has the cream of the nobility at her beck and call. It's seriously disruptive to have the duke who's the biggest catch on the Marriage Mart scaring her other suitors away. Then she discovers William's darkest secret and decides what he needs in his life is the kind of excitement only she can provide.

The first in a sparkling Regency romance trilogy from acclaimed author Shana Galen following a glittering trio of celebrated courtesans whose fortunes depend on the ton believing the rumors about their mysterious lives.

Celebrate the 80th birthday of Regency Romance with great books from Sourcebooks Casablanca!

Jewels of a Ton Trilogy:
When You Give a Duke a Diamond (Book 1)
If You Give a Rake a Ruby (Book 2)
Sapphires Are an Earl's Best Friend (Book 3)

Praise for Shana Galen:
"BRILLIANT AND SEXY! Once you start a Shana Galen book, you won't put it down until you reach the end." -Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author of Wicked in Your Arms
"Her engaging characters and strong plotline enhance the spirited dialogue and sense of adventure." -RT Book Reviews

… (mehr)
Titel:When You Give a Duke a Diamond (The Fallen Ladies)
Autoren:Shana Galen
Info:Sourcebooks Casablanca (2012), Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


When You Give a Duke a Diamond von Shana Galen

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Every character is insufferable.

He's a duke who's too full of himself and claims to love her, but not only won't respect her he will also call her names.

She's a courtesan (aka a polite term for an expensive prostitute), and she's angry because he won't marry her (because, you know, she's a prostitute). But instead of explaining, she's just offended.

Also, his fiancee just got murdered (not even an hour went by, her body is still lying there undiscovered, they're fully aware of this), and they're sitting there having deep sexual tension and arguing about how she shouldn't address him as Will, but use his proper title. And that's just a small example of the frustrating aspects in this book. I understand it's meant to be light-hearted, but come on!

I just can't. It's a DNF.
There are too many good books out there to put up with this. ( )
  selsha | Apr 13, 2024 |
Just the right amount of fluff, and a very satisfying, if completely unlikely, adventure. Add to that my recent foray into toddler storytime, and the title gives me the giggles. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
A delightful twist on the Regency trope.

Juliette, the Duchess of Dalliance, has a problem. The gossip rags keep linking her name to the Duke of Pelham, but she's never met the man. She needs to find a man to sponsor her, without the non-existent Duke in the wings.

But then Juliette becomes entangled in a web of lies told by the Duke's fiancee.

And the fictional romance between the Duke of Pelham and the Duchess of Dalliance becomes very real.

Another tale of two damaged people finding salvation in each other's arms.

The plot has some holes, doesn't bear close scrutiny. The characters are a bit cardboard, predictable. The dialogue is good, the setting unexceptional.

( )
  Bookjoy144 | Mar 2, 2022 |
Finally historical romance that I absolutely loved!
So much action and intrigue, but also very hot and tender. Loved Will and Juliet! He was so starched and she so full of life, like a gulp of fresh air. Ah! What a book! ( )
  VeraBkLover | Dec 18, 2021 |
I really enjoyed this. I liked both of the main characters individually and together, and the plot gave them interesting things to do without distracting too much from their relationship. The set-up for the rest of the series was well balanced as well, more than just an introduction to the other characters, but not overwhelmed by them. It had good steam. I really liked the way the heroine handled adversity, several 'good for you!' moments. Weaker points- the hero is super rude to the heroine publicly when they first meet, and I wish there had just been a line or two from his perspective, expressing surprise at himself for not acting with more ducal dignity or something (he doesn't really like being the center of attention and being gossip fodder and all either, so it just didn't seem in line with how he would normally behave, but it's hardly addressed. A line acknowledging that she just unaccountably rattled him with her presence or something would help considerably I think. (How it is, it just feels like he's really punching down unprovoked, which isn't very appealing at all). Also when the heroine first interacts with Lucifer, the scene is quickly glossed over, and it felt like things were left out. Small things really. And the heroine's feelings felt a bit rushed, just suddenly they were there. But again, pretty small complaints, it was a good story over all. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Dec 3, 2021 |
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Rumor held that the Prince Regent himself gave the Three Diamonds their sobriquets.
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"Jealous? Jealous? I am a duke. I do not feel jealousy."
To his utter amazement, she put her hands to her hears ears and screamed. ""If I hear you say I am a duke one more time, I will not be responsible for my actions. Duke's ar enot gods, Will. They are people. They make mistakes, apologize--or at least they should--and feel all sorts of emotions."
"I suppose you are an expert on such matters."
"I have known several dukes."
""Yes, and I am a duke--"
Her eyes widened, her lips pursed. "I" She shoved him. "Warned" Hard "You" Backward.
She shoved him again, and he stumbled against the lip of the tub, faltered, and fell, sloshing warm water all over the floor and soaking his clothing worse than the rain had done.
He stared up at her, water dripping in his eyes. He expected her to apologize, to look horrified, to beg his forgiveness.
Instead, she laughed.
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

He had had a perfectly orderly life...until she came along

William, the sixth Duke of Pelham, enjoys his punctual. securely structured life. Orderly and predictable-that's the way he likes it. But he's in the public eye, and the scandal sheets will make up anything to sell papers. When the gossips link him to Juliette, one of the most beautiful and celebrated courtesans in London, chaos doesn't begin to describe what happens next.

Juliette is nicknamed the Duchess of Dalliance, and has the cream of the nobility at her beck and call. It's seriously disruptive to have the duke who's the biggest catch on the Marriage Mart scaring her other suitors away. Then she discovers William's darkest secret and decides what he needs in his life is the kind of excitement only she can provide.

The first in a sparkling Regency romance trilogy from acclaimed author Shana Galen following a glittering trio of celebrated courtesans whose fortunes depend on the ton believing the rumors about their mysterious lives.

Celebrate the 80th birthday of Regency Romance with great books from Sourcebooks Casablanca!

Jewels of a Ton Trilogy:
When You Give a Duke a Diamond (Book 1)
If You Give a Rake a Ruby (Book 2)
Sapphires Are an Earl's Best Friend (Book 3)

Praise for Shana Galen:
"BRILLIANT AND SEXY! Once you start a Shana Galen book, you won't put it down until you reach the end." -Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author of Wicked in Your Arms
"Her engaging characters and strong plotline enhance the spirited dialogue and sense of adventure." -RT Book Reviews


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