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The Sierra Club Wetlands Reader: A Literary Companion

von Sam Wilson

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The Sierra Club Wetlands Reader is the second volume in the Sierra Club's new series of literary celebrations of the Earth's biomes -- the major ecological communities that have shaped the collective human experience. From the Everglades to Alaska, North America's wetlands comprise irreplaceable habitats for innumerable plants and animals. In addition to being a subtle indicator of the health of the entire natural world, this delicate ecosystem has inspired an extraordinary amount of fine writing. Included in this remarkable collection are works by influential writers and scientists such as John Wesley Powell, Jack London, Aldo Leopold, Frederick Law Olmsted, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Edward Ricketts. From William Bartram's Revolutionary War-era meditation on the wetlands of Florida to Mark Twain's commentary on the flooding of the Mississippi River, we encounter varied portraits of these fertile ecosystems. In addition to celebrating this ecological community we are reminded of the importance of preservation, as the wetlands are a crucial link in maintaining the stability of a global environment.… (mehr)
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The Sierra Club Wetlands Reader is the second volume in the Sierra Club's new series of literary celebrations of the Earth's biomes -- the major ecological communities that have shaped the collective human experience. From the Everglades to Alaska, North America's wetlands comprise irreplaceable habitats for innumerable plants and animals. In addition to being a subtle indicator of the health of the entire natural world, this delicate ecosystem has inspired an extraordinary amount of fine writing. Included in this remarkable collection are works by influential writers and scientists such as John Wesley Powell, Jack London, Aldo Leopold, Frederick Law Olmsted, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Edward Ricketts. From William Bartram's Revolutionary War-era meditation on the wetlands of Florida to Mark Twain's commentary on the flooding of the Mississippi River, we encounter varied portraits of these fertile ecosystems. In addition to celebrating this ecological community we are reminded of the importance of preservation, as the wetlands are a crucial link in maintaining the stability of a global environment.

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