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Leave It to Psmith von P. G. Wodehouse
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Leave It to Psmith (2012. Auflage)

von P. G. Wodehouse (Autor)

Reihen: Blandings Castle (2), Psmith (4)

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2,250577,296 (4.23)118
The idyll of Blandings Castle is about to be disturbed, for the Honorable Freddie Threepwood is poised to make his debut as a jewel thief. Freddie, however, is not alone: Blandings is simply brimming with criminals and impostors all intent on stealing Aunt Constance's twenty-thousand-pound diamond necklace. It is left to the debonair Psmith, with his usual aplomb, to unscramble the passion, problems, and identities, of one and all.… (mehr)
Titel:Leave It to Psmith
Autoren:P. G. Wodehouse (Autor)
Info:W. W. Norton & Company (2012), Edition: Reprint, 304 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Psmith macht alles von P. G. Wodehouse

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Always worth a re-read. ( )
  SaraElizabeth11 | Sep 8, 2024 |
"A depressing musty scent pervaded the place, as if a cheese had recently died there in painful circumstances."

It's passages like this that made this book a fun palette cleanser. Nowadays this book feels like typical sitcom fare but at the same time it reminded me why I gravitate toward the literature of the 1920s. The silliness of mistaken identities (which today feels far-fetched), the reliance on letters and telegrams to communicate, the need to travel to visit with friends, and the generally slower pace of life. All of that combined made reading this book feel like sitting up late at night to watch the late movie. ( )
1 abstimmen GrammaPollyReads | May 9, 2024 |
I rated this beautifully written book a mere 3 because I lost interest in it and finished it out of some misplaced desire to turn the last page. It was funny at first and I laughed out loud but whether I simply became accustomed to the humour, or it petered out, I can't say. Nevertheless, Wodehouse's sentences are always a pleasure to read and he has a way of enfolding me in his world, where women seek to shape men and matters of consequence are treated with a feather-like lightness of touch.

Lord Emsworth jerked his glasses off his nose.
'Corfby Hall! Are you the son of the Smith who used to own Corfby Hall? Why bless my soul, I knew you father well.'
'Yes, that is to say, I never met him.'
'But I won first prize for roses at the Shrewsbury Flower Show the year he won the prize for tulips.'
( )
  simonpockley | Feb 25, 2024 |
April 2018 reread done via the marvelous narration of Jonathan Cecil (Hoopla audiobook):
This book was so much more hilarious now that I am familiar with Psmith! I thought it was great as a Blandings book but now as a Psmith book, I love it even more (particularly the way Psmith interacts with Baxter). The only thing missing is The Empress... As a result, I am increasing my rating from the previous 4* (especially for the audiobook narration by Cecil). ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
Unbelievably charming and fun. I’m surprised that Wodehouse never returned to Psmith for a sequel. ( )
  theoldlove | Apr 12, 2023 |

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (19 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Wodehouse, P. G.Hauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Abbate, JudithGestaltungCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Cecil, JonathanErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Cox, PaulIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Devecseriné Guthi, ErzsébetÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Hegedüs, IstvánIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Riddell, ChrisUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Tuomikoski, AinoÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Wielek-Berg, W.ÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Woodson, MatthewUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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To my daughter Leonora
Queen of her species
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At the open window of the great library of Blandings Castle, drooping like a wet sock, as was his habit when he had nothing to prop his spine against, the Earl of Emsworth, that amiable and boneheaded peer, stood gazing out over his domain.
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"Other men love you. Freddie Threepwood loves you. Just add me to the list. That is all I ask. Muse on me from time to time. Reflect that I may be an acquired taste. You probably did not like olives the first time you tasted them. Now you probably do. Give me the same chance you would give an olive."
I'm as broke as the ten commandments!
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Hinweis zur Identitätsklärung
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This title was first published as a serial, but was reworked with significant differences before being published as a novel.
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Wikipedia auf Englisch (1)

The idyll of Blandings Castle is about to be disturbed, for the Honorable Freddie Threepwood is poised to make his debut as a jewel thief. Freddie, however, is not alone: Blandings is simply brimming with criminals and impostors all intent on stealing Aunt Constance's twenty-thousand-pound diamond necklace. It is left to the debonair Psmith, with his usual aplomb, to unscramble the passion, problems, and identities, of one and all.

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