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Ravenous (Book 1 The Ravening Series) von…
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Ravenous (Book 1 The Ravening Series) (2013. Auflage)

von Erica Stevens, Leslie Mitchell G2 Freelance Editing (Herausgeber)

Reihen: The Ravening (1)

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The world didn't end with a bang, it didn't go out in a ball of fire and fury, nor did it end in ice. But in some strange way, ice was the end-or maybe it was the beginning of something more.When Bethany finds herself suddenly alone in a world that was alive only moments before, she flees into the streets of her town in search of her family. Panicked by the immobile people surrounding her, she is almost captured by the monsters hunting her until Cade steps in. Dark and distant, most people at Bethany's school are wary of Cade yet oddly fascinated by him. Bethany and he had been close as children, but it has been years since she's had any real contact with him.As their situation becomes even more perilous, Bethany struggles to come to terms with her past, her terrifying new reality, and her growing love for a boy that is powerful, mysterious, and perhaps even more frightening than the aliens hunting them-aliens that want more than their lives: they want their blood.… (mehr)
Titel:Ravenous (Book 1 The Ravening Series)
Autoren:Erica Stevens
Weitere Autoren:Leslie Mitchell G2 Freelance Editing (Herausgeber)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:jessica sorenson


Ravenous von Erica Stevens

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Very cool adaptation of an alien invasion. More realistic in that the aliens begin as our friends, helping the masses and then luring them in. In this first book, Bethany is our main character and she is in a shop when something very strange happens to her. Everyone her, freezes. Like literally freezes in what they are doing. Everyone that is except Cade, who she discovers a few blocks away. Together the two try to locate their friends and relatives while the once friendly aliens wreak havoc on the city. The small band of people try to survive the unthinkable and try also to come to terms with changing relationships. I will definately be reading more in this series. ( )
  wndy2011 | May 3, 2015 |
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The world didn't end with a bang, it didn't go out in a ball of fire and fury, nor did it end in ice. But in some strange way, ice was the end-or maybe it was the beginning of something more.When Bethany finds herself suddenly alone in a world that was alive only moments before, she flees into the streets of her town in search of her family. Panicked by the immobile people surrounding her, she is almost captured by the monsters hunting her until Cade steps in. Dark and distant, most people at Bethany's school are wary of Cade yet oddly fascinated by him. Bethany and he had been close as children, but it has been years since she's had any real contact with him.As their situation becomes even more perilous, Bethany struggles to come to terms with her past, her terrifying new reality, and her growing love for a boy that is powerful, mysterious, and perhaps even more frightening than the aliens hunting them-aliens that want more than their lives: they want their blood.

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