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Kabbalah von Gershon Scholem
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Kabbalah (Original 1974; 1978. Auflage)

von Gershon Scholem (Autor)

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606340,576 (3.91)8
With origins extending back in time beyond the Dead Sea Scrolls, the body of writings and beliefs known as the Kabbalah has come to be increasingly recognized not only as one of the most intriguing aspects of Judaism but also as an important part of a broader mystical tradition. The Kabbalah is a rich tradition of repeated attempts to achieve and portray direct experiences of God: its twelfth-and thirteenth-century beginnings in southern France and Spain are probed in Origins of the Kabbalah, a work crucial in Scholem's oeuvre. Now the world's leading authority on the Kabbalah has written one of the most enlightening studies ever to plumb its complex depths and range over its rich history. One of the most important scholars of our century, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) opened up a once esoteric world of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, to concerned students of religion. The book is a contribution not only to the history of Jewish medieval mysticism but also to the study of medieval mysticism in general and will be of interest to historians and psychologists, as well as to students of the history of religion. -- Back cover.… (mehr)
Autoren:Gershon Scholem (Autor)
Info:Plume (1978), 512 pages


Kabbalah von Gershon Scholem (1974)

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not a book one _likes_, necessarily, but a necessary book. ( )
  AnnKlefstad | Feb 4, 2022 |
Good general explanation of Kabbalah with little bias toward specific schools of thought ( )
  Hilton_Kaufman | Mar 10, 2014 |
Book Description: Meridian. Paperbackstudy of the history and content of the kabbalah. ( )
  artmar | May 6, 2007 |
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"Kabbalah" is the traditional and most commonly used term for the esoteric teachings of Judaism and for Jewish mysticism, especial the forms which it assumed in the Middle ages from the 12th century onward.
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With origins extending back in time beyond the Dead Sea Scrolls, the body of writings and beliefs known as the Kabbalah has come to be increasingly recognized not only as one of the most intriguing aspects of Judaism but also as an important part of a broader mystical tradition. The Kabbalah is a rich tradition of repeated attempts to achieve and portray direct experiences of God: its twelfth-and thirteenth-century beginnings in southern France and Spain are probed in Origins of the Kabbalah, a work crucial in Scholem's oeuvre. Now the world's leading authority on the Kabbalah has written one of the most enlightening studies ever to plumb its complex depths and range over its rich history. One of the most important scholars of our century, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) opened up a once esoteric world of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, to concerned students of religion. The book is a contribution not only to the history of Jewish medieval mysticism but also to the study of medieval mysticism in general and will be of interest to historians and psychologists, as well as to students of the history of religion. -- Back cover.

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