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A dance through time von Lynn Kurland
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A dance through time (1996. Auflage)

von Lynn Kurland

Reihen: MacLeod (1), Time Passages [Jove] (Dec 1996)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
523748,349 (4.02)11
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From Lynn Kurland, the New York Times bestselling author of the Nine Kingdom series.
Scotland, 1311. James MacLeod was the most respectedand fearedlaird in all of Scotland. He loved his men like brothers and his land with a passion. And he allowed no women to cross the threshold of his keep...
New York City, 1996. With an indifferent fiance and a stalled writing career, Elizabeth Smith found passion and adventure only in the unpublished romance novels that she wrote. Until a Scottish hero began calling to her...

Elizabeth longed for the man of her dreams. But she knew she was overworked when she began hearing his voicewhen she was awake. To clear her mind, she took a walk in Gramercy Park. She dozed off on a benchand woke up in a lush forest in forteenth-century Scotland. A forest surrounding the castle of James MacLeod, an arrogant and handsome lord with a very familiar voice. Elizabeth would turn his ordered world upside down and go where no woman had ever gone before: straight into his heart...
… (mehr)
Titel:A dance through time
Autoren:Lynn Kurland
Info:New York : Jove Books, c1996.
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


A Dance Through Time von Lynn Kurland

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This is what time travel should be, not the current shorter stories with so much sex , little story line or romance. This is not insta-sex and I love it. The story sucks you before you know it, with some suspense, a bit of action, lots of fun banter and good secondary characters. This is what I miss about so many so-called books today.Will be rereading this series very soon. ( )
  GGmaSheila | Jan 29, 2023 |
This book should have been titled “The Taming of the Caveman” because the protagonist didn't act much better than a neanderthal for most of the book.

Elizabeth Smith dreamed of a Scottish man. Then she was transported back in time to medieval Scotland where she was taken to the MacLeod keep. The laird, Jamie MacLeod thought she was a witch so he immediately threw her into a pit where all kinds of slithering things crawled all over her. He left her there screaming for hours.

When Jamie decided against burning her as a witch, he pulled her up and threw her in the lake to get the critters off of her. He threw her a blanket to sleep in the filthy great hall with all his men but when some of them tried to rape her, he let her sleep in his chamber on the floor or in a chair while he slept in his bed. He continued this kind of behavior for a while.

I was captivated by the story even though and probably because of Jamie's atrocious behavior. It was probably more true to life back then than some of the historical romances I read but it still bothered me. What bothered me more was how Elizabeth was so patient and accepting of his behavior and even thought it was cute. It was not okay.

I couldn't help but love some of the secondary characters who I hope I will see in the next book which I will definitely be reading. ( )
  dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Elizabeth Smith falls asleep on a park bench and wakes up in medieval Scotland. She is found by laird Jamie MacLeod. He quickly falls in love with her, but has no idea how to court her, and she demands more caring than a man raised among men can grasp. She discovers a girl named Megan disguised as a boy among Jamie's men, and takes her under her wing. When Elizabeth warns Jamie of an assassin and saves his life, she immediately remembers reading in a book that he had died in that attack and Jamie's son, Jesse, had married Megan. Jamie decides he can't change history, and that he will go back with Elizabeth to her time. His younger brother, Ian, vows to follow him one day.

Back in the future, they run into Jamie's brother Patrick, who had disappeared years before. Jamie and Elizabeth's brother Zachary stumble back to the past and are captured by enemies; Patrick and Elizabeth rescue them. Another fun time travel story.
  dolphari | Jul 19, 2013 |
I really loved this time travel romance. Twentieth century young woman who happens to be a romance author from NYC accidentally travels to medieval Scotland and meets the fierce laird of the McLeod clan who immediately thinks she's a witch and throws her into his pit of a dungeon. Feeling guilty, he frees her and then tries to make it up to her and they fall in love and you can guess the rest. It was actually a really good book and I devoured it! ( )
  ktleyed | Dec 31, 2010 |
Love Lynn Kurland, this is another time travel book which just makes my day, love them the best. What I really liked about this one was even though there was a villian it wasn't long and drawn out or took over all the story.. also some nice twist in this one... really enjoyed it ... fast read for me. ( )
  Pattistreasures | Sep 9, 2008 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From Lynn Kurland, the New York Times bestselling author of the Nine Kingdom series.
Scotland, 1311. James MacLeod was the most respectedand fearedlaird in all of Scotland. He loved his men like brothers and his land with a passion. And he allowed no women to cross the threshold of his keep...
New York City, 1996. With an indifferent fiance and a stalled writing career, Elizabeth Smith found passion and adventure only in the unpublished romance novels that she wrote. Until a Scottish hero began calling to her...

Elizabeth longed for the man of her dreams. But she knew she was overworked when she began hearing his voicewhen she was awake. To clear her mind, she took a walk in Gramercy Park. She dozed off on a benchand woke up in a lush forest in forteenth-century Scotland. A forest surrounding the castle of James MacLeod, an arrogant and handsome lord with a very familiar voice. Elizabeth would turn his ordered world upside down and go where no woman had ever gone before: straight into his heart...

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