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Haida Gwaii: The Queen Charlotte Islands

von Dennis Horwood

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Haida Gwaii, ancestral home of the Haida First Nation, was once as inaccessible and mysterious as it was beautiful. The tight cluster of islands off British Columbia's northwest coast remained virtually untouchable for millennia, allowing its people to develop a distinct and exceptional cultural identity that was known and revered across the region. Today, Haida Gwaii--a name that means "islands of the people" in the Haida language--has piqued the interest of world travellers. Its magnificent beaches, unique flora and fauna, and world heritage sites have earned international acclaim. Gwaii Haanas National Park in the southern region of the archipelago was named "Best National Park in North America" by National Geographic Traveler. In Haida Gwaii: Islands of the People, the newly updated edition of his bestselling guidebook, Dennis Horwood applies his in-depth knowledge of the islands' geography, social history, and natural and cultural attractions to equip travellers with everything they need to know about visiting these glorious gems of the Pacific. This indispensible guide includes maps, regional histories, accommodation listings, sample itineraries, wildlife descriptions, recreation tips, and sixteen pages of colour photos.… (mehr)
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Haida Gwaii, ancestral home of the Haida First Nation, was once as inaccessible and mysterious as it was beautiful. The tight cluster of islands off British Columbia's northwest coast remained virtually untouchable for millennia, allowing its people to develop a distinct and exceptional cultural identity that was known and revered across the region. Today, Haida Gwaii--a name that means "islands of the people" in the Haida language--has piqued the interest of world travellers. Its magnificent beaches, unique flora and fauna, and world heritage sites have earned international acclaim. Gwaii Haanas National Park in the southern region of the archipelago was named "Best National Park in North America" by National Geographic Traveler. In Haida Gwaii: Islands of the People, the newly updated edition of his bestselling guidebook, Dennis Horwood applies his in-depth knowledge of the islands' geography, social history, and natural and cultural attractions to equip travellers with everything they need to know about visiting these glorious gems of the Pacific. This indispensible guide includes maps, regional histories, accommodation listings, sample itineraries, wildlife descriptions, recreation tips, and sixteen pages of colour photos.

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