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Powers Not Delegated

von Rodney Page

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Fiction. Suspense. HTML:

Author Rodney Page weaves a riveting and suspenseful saga of an administration plagued by corruption and erupting scandals leading to inevitable criminal cover-ups that escalate to blackmail . . . and much worse. A legal challenge to the administration's overt violation of First Amendment rights makes its way to the Supreme Court, itself on the verge of succumbing to Washington's creeping deception. An evil alliance between Al Qaeda and Iran plots the murder of thousands of Americans, but the danger is ignored by distracted politicians more intent on subverting the Constitution in order to retain power. Already rocked by a corrupt and disintegrating administration, the nation is paralyzed as terrorists successfully infiltrate the southern border and make their way undetected to their targets. In the midst of a government run amuck, remarkable courage is displayed by a group of governors, the CEO of an automobile company, and a congressman from coastal Georgia as they fight to bring the country back from the abyss. But are they too late? 

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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonLTSings, mgnlcs, Lepophagus, Tonestaple, Fidget78
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Fiction. Suspense. HTML:

Author Rodney Page weaves a riveting and suspenseful saga of an administration plagued by corruption and erupting scandals leading to inevitable criminal cover-ups that escalate to blackmail . . . and much worse. A legal challenge to the administration's overt violation of First Amendment rights makes its way to the Supreme Court, itself on the verge of succumbing to Washington's creeping deception. An evil alliance between Al Qaeda and Iran plots the murder of thousands of Americans, but the danger is ignored by distracted politicians more intent on subverting the Constitution in order to retain power. Already rocked by a corrupt and disintegrating administration, the nation is paralyzed as terrorists successfully infiltrate the southern border and make their way undetected to their targets. In the midst of a government run amuck, remarkable courage is displayed by a group of governors, the CEO of an automobile company, and a congressman from coastal Georgia as they fight to bring the country back from the abyss. But are they too late? 


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