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GAIA I Journey into Vanishing Worlds

von Paige De Ponte (Fotograf), Mark Berry (Introduction and verse)

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Photographer Paige Deponte and writer Mark Berry traveled to the remote tropical rain forests of Madagascar, Peru, Costa Rica, Amazon, and South Africa to gather material for this extraordinary book that documents several key "hotspots" of biodiversity. These unique, botanically rich locations hold not only the greatest diversity of life, but also the most endangered. Journey into Vanishing Worlds blends poetry with toned black-and-white photographs of lush natural landscapes, endemic species of plants and animals, and indigenous people to offer a compelling yet unsentimental portrait of these rare and beautiful ecosystems, and the environmental degradation brought about by human activity. Paige Deponte was born in Japan, and currently resides in Hawaii and New York. She is well known as a fashion photographer and has shot perfume campaigns for Versace as well as fashion editorials for such publications as Harpers Bazaar Italia and Cosmopolitan Italia. Mark Berry is a writer who lives in England and New York. Russell Mittermeier, a biologist and conservationist, founded Conservation International and serves as its president. Proceeds from this book will be donated to Conservation International's "Campaign to save the Hotspots".… (mehr)
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De Ponte, PaigeFotografHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Berry, MarkIntroduction and verseHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Photographer Paige Deponte and writer Mark Berry traveled to the remote tropical rain forests of Madagascar, Peru, Costa Rica, Amazon, and South Africa to gather material for this extraordinary book that documents several key "hotspots" of biodiversity. These unique, botanically rich locations hold not only the greatest diversity of life, but also the most endangered. Journey into Vanishing Worlds blends poetry with toned black-and-white photographs of lush natural landscapes, endemic species of plants and animals, and indigenous people to offer a compelling yet unsentimental portrait of these rare and beautiful ecosystems, and the environmental degradation brought about by human activity. Paige Deponte was born in Japan, and currently resides in Hawaii and New York. She is well known as a fashion photographer and has shot perfume campaigns for Versace as well as fashion editorials for such publications as Harpers Bazaar Italia and Cosmopolitan Italia. Mark Berry is a writer who lives in England and New York. Russell Mittermeier, a biologist and conservationist, founded Conservation International and serves as its president. Proceeds from this book will be donated to Conservation International's "Campaign to save the Hotspots".

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