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Teslas unvorstellbar geniales und…
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Teslas unvorstellbar geniales und verblüffend katastrophales Vermächtnis: Band 1 (2015. Auflage)

von Neal Shusterman (Autor)

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3671572,652 (3.97)5
"With a plot combining science and the supernatural, four kids are caught up in a dangerous plan concocted by the eccentric inventor, Nikola Tesla"--
Titel:Teslas unvorstellbar geniales und verblüffend katastrophales Vermächtnis: Band 1
Autoren:Neal Shusterman (Autor)
Info:Loewe (2015), Edition: 2, 352 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Accelerati Trilogy Book One Tesla's Attic von Neal Shusterman

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I really enjoyed Shusternan's Unwind dystology, and looked forward to starting a new series. The pacing was good, I liked the teenage humor, and the voices felt authentic for teenagers; however, I did not connect with the protagonist, Nick. A classic new kid story moving into a new school, following a tragic fire in which his mother dies, he meets a cast of characters, who seemed better developed or at least more consistent. He moves into the attic of his new house, where he finds a bunch of junk, that he sells at a garage sale, and he cannot believe people are buying the goods ... at least until he finds out that the junk has hidden secrets. Then, he tries to get them back and the craziness begins as a secret society (the Accelerati) wants them too. I found this good enough to want to read the next installment. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
Un joven de catorce años llamado Nick, su hermano menor y su padre se mudan a la destartalada casa victoriana que acaban de heredar. Cuando Nick abre la puerta del desván, cae una tostadora que le pega en la cabeza. Ese será el comienzo de sus extrañas experiencias con los viejos trastos que encuentra en el desván. Tras deshacerse de todos ellos en una venta que organiza a la puerta de su casa, Nick hace amistad con Mitch, Caitlin y Vincent, con quienes descubre que todos aquellos trastos tenían propiedades extraordinarias. Y aún más: Nick averigua que el desván es un extraño vórtice magnético que atrae toda clase de problemas. Es como si el desván mismo tuviera inteligencia... y una finalidad.
  bibliotecayamaguchi | Jul 21, 2017 |
Pretty good book. I liked the premise; however, more than the book itself. It took a bit of time for me to connect with the characters. I may need to read it again. ( )
  weisser4 | May 3, 2016 |
An entertaining and interesting adventure with a group of kids in Colorado Springs. It's just the right combination of fun, science, science fiction and edginess for young readers and it was good enough to keep me interested too. Looking forward to the sequels. ( )
  ndpmcIntosh | Mar 21, 2016 |
Absolutely exciting!! This title was a hard-to-put-down book full of memorable scenes, characters, and a really cool plot. It is also book 1 in a series which I hope to follow to the end. ( )
  TBones | Mar 11, 2015 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Neal ShustermanHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Elfman, EricHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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"With a plot combining science and the supernatural, four kids are caught up in a dangerous plan concocted by the eccentric inventor, Nikola Tesla"--

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