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Stripped von Jasinda Wilder
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Stripped (2013. Auflage)

von Jasinda Wilder

Reihen: Stripped / Trashed (1)

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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

So how did I get myself into this situation, you ask? Simple: desperation. When you're faced with being homeless and hungry or taking off your clothes for money, the choice is easier than you'd imagine. That doesn't make it easy, though. Oh no. I hate it, in fact. There's nothing I'd like more than to quit and never go into another bar again, never hear the techno beat pulsing in my ears again, never feel the lecherous gazes of horny men again.

Then, one day, I meet a man. He's in my club, front and center. He watches me do my routine, and his gaze is full of hunger. Not the kind of desire I'm used to though. It's something different. Something hotter, deeper, and more possessive. I know who he is; of course I do. Everyone knows who Dawson Kellor is. He's People Magazine's Sexiest Man alive. He's the hottest actor in Hollywood. He's the man hand-picked for the role of Rhett Butler in the long-awaited remake of Gone With the Wind.

He's the kind of man who can have any woman in the entire world with a mere crook of his finger. So what's he doing looking at me like he has to have me? And how do I resist him when he looks at me with those intoxicating, changeable, quicksilver eyes?

I'm a virgin, and he's an American icon of male sexuality. I'm a stripper, and he's a man used to getting anything and everything he wants. And he wants me. I know I should say no, I know he's the worst kind of player...but what my mind knows, my body and my heart may not.

And then things get complicated.

… (mehr)
Autoren:Jasinda Wilder
Info:Publisher Unknown (2013), Kindle Edition, 350 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Stripped von Jasinda Wilder

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[warning: some spoiler ahead]

There were a lot of things I didn't like about "Stripped"!
First of all the prologue seemed to me totally disjointed to the rest of the book and way too long. I guess the writer tried to give us a perspective of Grey's teenage years to show how her father's strictness influenced her and her choices but I did not like how it turned out: there was no continuity in this account of Grey's youth and the author lingered on some episodes pretty much irrelevant to the main story, overlooking instead some very -to me- interesting angles.
Secondly I'm not a fan of insta-love and in this book it's even more irksome than in other stories: Dawson should be a seasoned and jaded playboy and it's unbelievable, in my opinion at least, for such a character to fall love in 0.5 seconds!

Also I found both the main characters very annoying!
I get it! She didn't want to become a stripper but she was forced to become one to mantain her studies...there's nothing wrong with being a little depressed or discouraged and, in these circumstances, it's pretty normal to feel embarassed or even a little ashamed...that said, is it really necessary to cry and throw up afer every single performances??? Afer a while I started to simpathize with her boss (and if you have read the book, you should know how this can be a little disturbing)!
Even her attidute towards her feelings for Dawson was annoying: she's constantly questioning them since to feel something akin lust could be considered a sin and it's not right to pursue it...but at the same time she can't possibly resist him since he's totally perfect(gah!)
I'm a little more understanding when she questions Dawson's feelings for her...after all even I was a little perplexed with the intensity of his love/obsession for Grey!

As I've already pointed out one or two times, the way he fell in love with Grey was a little sudden and way to hasty for my tastes.
Even trying to overlook this, I just couldn't stand his way of demonstrate said love: lending a very expansive car after one day you met her, gift her said car after two, paying her college debts after and buy an entire building -so she doesn't have to be a stripper anymore- after three...and if this wasn't enough, Dawson's explanation is even more irksome: "It's simple Grey. I'm a spoiled brat. I've always gotten what I want. Always. And I want you all to myself. I don't want you working there anymore, and I knew you'd fight me on in it.."
After all..."Not even fifty grand" He made a dismissive gesture "Chump change"
Am I the only one to find his attitude very disrespectful?!

No, I definitely did not like "Stripped" ( )
  Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
too fluffy a read, and a fairy tail HEA ( )
  otkac001 | Jan 20, 2019 |
Want to know if the whole series is worth reading? Read my overall review of the whole series at! Spoiler Free!

I like unconventional romances--they are nice breaks from the everyday love story. Plus, I like the fictional element to it. Lots of girls like the fantasy that a rich, handsome actor/celebrity will notice regular-old them and I am no exception. Do I let it consume my every thought?--of course not, but I like that fiction let's me imagine it could be me one day.

Unfortunately, Stripped was just plain boring. Grey was one of the dullest heroines I have ever encountered. I truly think that she was crying every three pages about something--which is fine considering her life hasn't been all that easy--but it just got so exhausting to read about. I really felt indifferent to her as I read through the book.

The romance was also poorly executed. It took too long for the hero to arrive on scene and when he did, it was cheesy, dull and insta-love. It just didn't work for me which sucked because I needed something to keep my attention.

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review: ( )
  seriesousbooks | Feb 7, 2018 |
I have to say that this book would have been zero stars without Grey.. I know it is normally the main character that makes you fall in love with a book but I didn't fall in love with the book only the character. Her story was brilliant and I just wanted to see her get her happy ever after. I have a thing for women who don't know that they are beautiful and are just plain innocent because of something that has happened in their lives. I really really liked her. Dawson I didn't care for him as much as everyone else. ( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
Not the greatest. ( )
  lovelypenny | Feb 4, 2016 |
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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

So how did I get myself into this situation, you ask? Simple: desperation. When you're faced with being homeless and hungry or taking off your clothes for money, the choice is easier than you'd imagine. That doesn't make it easy, though. Oh no. I hate it, in fact. There's nothing I'd like more than to quit and never go into another bar again, never hear the techno beat pulsing in my ears again, never feel the lecherous gazes of horny men again.

Then, one day, I meet a man. He's in my club, front and center. He watches me do my routine, and his gaze is full of hunger. Not the kind of desire I'm used to though. It's something different. Something hotter, deeper, and more possessive. I know who he is; of course I do. Everyone knows who Dawson Kellor is. He's People Magazine's Sexiest Man alive. He's the hottest actor in Hollywood. He's the man hand-picked for the role of Rhett Butler in the long-awaited remake of Gone With the Wind.

He's the kind of man who can have any woman in the entire world with a mere crook of his finger. So what's he doing looking at me like he has to have me? And how do I resist him when he looks at me with those intoxicating, changeable, quicksilver eyes?

I'm a virgin, and he's an American icon of male sexuality. I'm a stripper, and he's a man used to getting anything and everything he wants. And he wants me. I know I should say no, I know he's the worst kind of player...but what my mind knows, my body and my heart may not.

And then things get complicated.


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