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Asterix the Gladiator (Bk. 4) von Rene…
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Asterix the Gladiator (Bk. 4) (Original 1964; 2004. Auflage)

von Rene Goscinny, Albert Uderzo (Illustrator)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,7371210,399 (4.03)20
Alavacomgetepus, römischer Präfekt in Gallien, hat die originelle Idee, Cäsar einen dieser unbesiegbaren Gallier zum Geschenk zu machen. Den Römern gelingt es tatsächlich, Troubadix zu entführen. Allerdings treibt der Barde mit den bescheidenen Sangeskünsten selbst das römische Publikum im Zirkus in die Flucht. Rettung tut Not und Asterix und Obelix machen sich auf den Weg nach Rom.… (mehr)
Titel:Asterix the Gladiator (Bk. 4)
Autoren:Rene Goscinny
Weitere Autoren:Albert Uderzo (Illustrator)
Info:Orion (2004), Edition: Revised, Paperback, 48 pages
Sammlungen:Asterix, Deine Bibliothek


Asterix als Gladiator von René Goscinny (Author) (1964)

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Een belangrijke gebeurtenis: de piraten doen hun intrede in de Wereld van Asterix!

Asterix is duidelijk een filmliefhebber. De training van de gladiatoren doet denken aan de film Spartacus van Stanley Kubrick (waarvan de hoofdrolspeler Kirk Douglas op een opmerkelijke manier opduikt in De beproeving van Obelix), terwijl de race van de strijdwagens doet denken aan Ben Hur. Later zal de film Cleopatra van Mankiewicz de inspiratie vormen voor de strip Asterix en Cleopatra.
  OpieJan | Jun 14, 2024 |
Lots of belly laughs in this issue!

Read online at the Internet Archive: ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot, & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: Asterix the Gladiator
Series: Asterix #4
Authors: Goscinny & Uderzo
Translators: Bell & Hockridge
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comics
Pages: 51
Words: 3K



While stopping at the Roman Camp of Compendium, Prefect 'Odius Asparagus' wants one of the indomitable Gauls as a present for Julius Caesar. Because none of the others can be captured, Centurion Gracchus Armisurplus decides on Cacofonix the bard. Soldiers sent by the centurion, although driven away by Cacofonix's singing at first, counteract this by stuffing parsley in their ears and capture him easily. A young boy named Picanmix from the village raises the alarm to Asterix and Obelix, and the Gauls attack Compendium; but learn that the prefect has already left in his galley with Cacofonix.

Asterix and Obelix therefore board a ship with Ekonomikrisis the Phoenician merchant, who agrees to take them to Rome after they save him from the pirates. In Rome, after Cacofonix has subjected the slaves in the prefect's galley to his bad singing, the prefect presents him to Julius Caesar; but when Caius Fatuous, the gladiators' trainer, declares Cacofonix unfit to serve as a gladiator, Caesar decides to throw the bard to the lions. Upon arrival in Rome, Asterix and Obelix befriend Instantmix (a Gaulish chef working in Rome) and visit the public baths. There, Caius Fatuous decides they would be perfect candidates for the gladiators' fights in the Circus Maximus, and he arranges to have them captured. That night, Asterix and Obelix visit Instantmix in his insula, where he identifies the location of Cacofonix. The next morning, the Gauls' first attempt at rescuing the bard fails when they raid the Circus prison and discover that Cacofonix has been transferred to a lower basement. Caius Fatuous has his men try to ambush them in groups of three, but Asterix and Obelix defeat them with ease, and apparently without taking notice.

Caius Fatuous then offers a reward of 10,000 sestertii to any citizen who captures Asterix and Obelix; but the two of them volunteer as gladiators to infiltrate the following Games, and Fatuous places them in training under his assistant Insalubrius. Soon, the Gauls demoralize Insalubrius and irritate Caius Fatuous by having the other gladiators play guessing-games instead of training. Later, when Fatuous plans the Games to Julius Caesar, the Gauls go on a stroll, with Caius Fatuous (reluctantly) as their guide. On the eve before the games, Asterix and Obelix visit Cacofonix in his cell and inform him of their intentions to free him and the gladiators.

The next day, during the chariot races, Asterix and Obelix substitute themselves for an inebriated contestant, and win the race. As Cacofonix is put into the arena to be killed by the lions, he sings to the Romans, and thus frightens the lions into retreat; whereupon Caesar orders the gladiators' competition to begin. When Asterix, Obelix, and the gladiators introduce Caesar to their guessing-game, and Caesar insists on a martial contest, Asterix challenges a cohort of Caesar's own guard, and the two Gauls win easily. Seeing that the audience are amused, Caesar releases the three Gauls and grants them Fatuous as a prisoner. Soon afterwards, the four men meet back up with Ekonomikrisis, and Asterix surprises him and his men by having Caius Fatuous row the ship back to the Gaulish Village alone. After a brief journey (plus a second run in with the pirates, which sinks their ship), the Gauls arrive home and Ekonomikrisis keeps his promise to return Caius Fatuous to Rome. The villagers then celebrate the return of their heroes with a banquet, only with Cacofonix having to sit it out bound and gagged after offering to sing a song to celebrate his triumphant return.

This book is noteworthy in the Asterix series as the first in which Obelix says his famous catchphrase "These Romans are crazy!"

My Thoughts:

Fun. Cacofonix the Bard gets kidnapped, only to be shut up time and again every time someone hears him sing. Even Asterix and Obelix threaten to not take him back to Gaul if he tries to sing to them at the end of the book. How can that not make you laugh?

The running gag for this story is Obelix playing a game of “hit the romans” and using their helmets as proof that he knocked them out. You seem him constantly with a huge pile of roman helmets lined up like soup bowls in his arms every time he meets a new group of them. There were a couple of word plays that went right over my head, as I didn't see what what was supposed to be funny, but missing a joke here or there isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Overall, a good way to spend the evening.

★★★★☆ ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 23, 2021 |
Lots of belly laughs in this issue!

Read online at the Internet Archive: ( )
  leslie.98 | Jul 8, 2020 |
Asterix and Obelix travel to Rome to rescue Caliphonix the Bard. It's a very simple plot without too much at stake. Asterix is basically super human and he is never in any real danger. It seems he could just take on the whole Roman Empire if he wanted to. There are some character design choices for dark skinned slaves in this volume that could be interpreted as racist. This was probably not high on the French illustrator's priority list in the mid 60's. ( )
  BenjaminHahn | Jan 26, 2015 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (8 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Goscinny, RenéAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Uderzo, AlbertIllustratorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bell, AntheaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Emond, IngridÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Hockridge, DerekÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Jones, AlunÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Marconcini, LucianaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Perich, JaimeÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
RubricastellanusÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Williams, BernardGwaith llythrennuCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Y flwyddyn yw 50 cyn Crist. Mae Gâl i gyd yn nwylo'r Rhufeiniaid ... I gyd? Nage! Erys o hyd un pentref Galiaid anorchfygol sy'n llwyddo i ddal eu tir yn erbyn yr imperialwyr. Ac nid yw bywyd yn hawdd i'r llengfilwyr Rhufeinig sy'n gorfod gwarchod gwersylloedd milwrol Bagiatrum, Ariola, Cloclarum a Bolatenae ...
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Im römischen Lager von Kleinbonum herrscht grosse Aufregung, denn der Präfekt Galliens, Caligula Alavacomgetepus besucht den Zenturio Garcchus Nenjetepus.
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(Zum Anzeigen anklicken. Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise Spoiler.)
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latin edition, do not combine with the main work.  See dead languages rule.
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Alavacomgetepus, römischer Präfekt in Gallien, hat die originelle Idee, Cäsar einen dieser unbesiegbaren Gallier zum Geschenk zu machen. Den Römern gelingt es tatsächlich, Troubadix zu entführen. Allerdings treibt der Barde mit den bescheidenen Sangeskünsten selbst das römische Publikum im Zirkus in die Flucht. Rettung tut Not und Asterix und Obelix machen sich auf den Weg nach Rom.

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1.5 1
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4 123
4.5 11
5 92

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