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Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (Bantam…
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Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (Bantam New Age Books) (1988. Auflage)

von Joan Borysenko (Autor)

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374271,138 (3.83)Keine
Joan Borysenko, one of the pioneers of the new medical synthesis called psychoneuroimmunology, narrates her best-selling book of the same name, in which she teaches you how to elicit your mind's powerful relaxation response in order to boost your immune system, overcome chronic pain, and alleviate the symptoms of stress-related illness. "Minding the body, mending the mind" will show you how to take an active role in your own healing and transform your life!.… (mehr)
Titel:Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (Bantam New Age Books)
Autoren:Joan Borysenko (Autor)
Info:Bantam (1988), Edition: Reissue, 256 pages
Sammlungen:Wellness Fitness Health, Deine Bibliothek


Minding the Body, Mending the Mind von Joan Borysenko

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I'm not much of a fan of self-help books. I find myself reading them, but I criticize them the entire time I'm reading. In this one, though, I found little to criticize. It's one of the best introductions to meditation I've read. It's practical and applicable to most situations. I also found that it helped me be patient with myself while learning the art of meditation, which I think is key for me to keep practicing.

One of my only complaints is about some minor inconsistencies within the text (eg, Borysenko says at one point that there are no negative emotions, then a little while later explains an exercise based on exploring "negative emotions" and "positive emotions."). There were also more typos than I would like to see in a printed text, but I recognize that that's fairly nit-picky.

One of my favorite lines from the book is a paraphrase of Bernie Siegel: "coincidence is merely God's way of remaining anonymous."

( )
  ImperfectCJ | Dec 31, 2012 |
Borysenko, co-founder and director of the Mind/Body Clinic at New England Deaconess Hospital/Harvard Medical School, describes the clinic's ten-week program for learning to "mind the body" through a medical synthesis of neurology, immunology, and psychology. She provides step-by-step instructions to the clinic's techniques while suggesting how they can be adapted for individual use. Combining meditation, breath control and stretching exercises, and mindfulness, and drawn from work with patients aged 17 to 93, these techniques help ease the stress of illnessparticularly illness caused by stressby exploiting the body's natural capacity for healing. Readers who master them can achieve an admirable balance between inner self and environment. Jodith Janes, ( )
  LTW | Sep 2, 2006 |
This is not a new book, in fact, it is Dr. Borysenko's first book. I have read a number of her books as well as other books on spirituality and the relationship between the mind and the body but I always come back to this one. My copy is dog-earred from use. From teaching how to do breath properly to learning how to calm your mind through meditation as well as other techniques, Joan Borysenko teaches you how to heal yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

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Joan Borysenko, one of the pioneers of the new medical synthesis called psychoneuroimmunology, narrates her best-selling book of the same name, in which she teaches you how to elicit your mind's powerful relaxation response in order to boost your immune system, overcome chronic pain, and alleviate the symptoms of stress-related illness. "Minding the body, mending the mind" will show you how to take an active role in your own healing and transform your life!.

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