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A History & Guide to the Monuments of Shiloh National Park

von Stacy W. Reaves

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The events of the Battle of Shiloh are characterized by acts of bravery, sacrifice, and uncommon valor. After the Civil War, northerners and southerners alike were compelled by another sense of duty at Shiloh the duty of remembrance. Established just over three decades after the battle ended, Shiloh National Park gave veteran groups from states across the country an opportunity to memorialize their regiment's specific contributions. Each monument, like the soldiers themselves, has a story to tell. A History and Guide to the Monuments of Shiloh National Park recounts the history of the park's creation and the monuments' construction. Join former Shiloh National Park interpreter and seasonal guide Stacy W. Reeves as she charts the paths through the park's grounds and traces its fascinating history.… (mehr)
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The events of the Battle of Shiloh are characterized by acts of bravery, sacrifice, and uncommon valor. After the Civil War, northerners and southerners alike were compelled by another sense of duty at Shiloh the duty of remembrance. Established just over three decades after the battle ended, Shiloh National Park gave veteran groups from states across the country an opportunity to memorialize their regiment's specific contributions. Each monument, like the soldiers themselves, has a story to tell. A History and Guide to the Monuments of Shiloh National Park recounts the history of the park's creation and the monuments' construction. Join former Shiloh National Park interpreter and seasonal guide Stacy W. Reeves as she charts the paths through the park's grounds and traces its fascinating history.

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