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Project Paper Doll The Hunt von Stacey Kade
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Project Paper Doll The Hunt (2015. Auflage)

von Stacey Kade (Autor)

Reihen: Project Paper Doll (2)

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1295219,194 (4.2)1
"Sixteen-year-old Ariane Tucker has finally escaped GTX, the research facility that created her from human and extraterrestrial DNA. But life on the run is complicated"--
Titel:Project Paper Doll The Hunt
Autoren:Stacey Kade (Autor)
Info:Disney-Hyperion (2015), Edition: Reprint, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Hunt von Stacey Kade

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The sequel to "The Rules", this book follows the same pace and plot twists as the previous book.

Although the beginning was a tad bit slow, it definitely picked up and kept me wanting to finish the series in one day. ( )
  thinktink93 | Jul 17, 2021 |
It is safe to say that any book written by this author I will gobble up. This book is so intense and well written that I’m immensely excited to read the next book.

Plot: This story follows the last book so go and read The Rules if you have not already. This plot is once again amazing. I’m thrilled with the new developments of the story as well as the characters. There is plenty of drama as well as secrets to keep the reader entertained. My heart raced throughout most of the story and I most certainly did not want to put it down.

Friendship/Relationships: There are many relationships developments throughout the story. The reader learns more of Ariane’s past as well as Zane’s. Their relationship is put to the test when trust and protective issues arise. I adore that most of the story both characters have a lot of development facing such hardships. Nevertheless, once they make their decisions they stick with their plan.

Ending: HOLY MOLY! That’s all I got to say. The ending is the icing on top to make me want more.

This is an excellent story that covers everything a reader wants. The Hunt is a reading adventure that offers moments of thrills and excitement. Seriously, just go read the book. ( )
  Bookswithbite | Aug 6, 2014 |
The Good: A good portion of this book was an on-the-run, road trip type deal. That almost never works for me, but it made complete sense in this case. Ariane and Zane needed that time together, as their relationship is very new and intense and they haven't had any real down-time together. This wasn't your typical relaxed situation, but it was a break from constant attack and gave they the opportunity to feel each other out. This introspection worked well with the more blatant outer turmoil both are going through. Zane's mom isn't likeable, but she is interesting and seems to have some unexpected answers. Surprisingly more interesting were the "presidential" hybrids and Ariane's deals with them.

The Bad: I didn't really love the cliffhanger ending. ( )
  TequilaReader | May 5, 2014 |
I wanted to read this one because I enjoyed the premise of the story and wanted more when I finished it. Ariane is a great main character and struggled with what made her different and who I saw a lot of growth in as well as the potential for a lot more. Zane was swoony, the way he treated Ariane like there wasn't anything different about her and respected her.
The romance continues in this one, and while the time elapsed is still only about a week, it has been intense and it is the first time that Ariane has ever felt romantic feelings for anyone. I know that lots pegged it as insta-love but that isn't so much one of my pet peeves as long as I feel the emotions, and I did in their case. There were some pretty swoony scenes too, that I very much loved.
But for the most part, they are on the run, and they are very scared and paranoid of their next step. I love the dual narrative because I get both of their thoughts on each other as well as what they are planning. It was hard to see the struggle in Ariane about whether or not to leave Zane in order to better protect him since everyone she cares for is threatened. I get to see the strength of Zane and how much he wants to be there for her especially in the moments where it feels like no one else is there for her.
Understandably, there are a lot of arguments between the two about safety. Ariane thinks that Zane would be safer without being with her and Zane wants to be by her side and helping her along the way. Ariane doubts Zane at times that he really accepts the alien part of her, and Zane has a lot of self doubt that maybe he is slowing Ariane down or holding her back. I think that they finally come to an understanding and agreement about how the other feels even though there are some impulsive decisions that have some unfortunate or costly consequences attached. But its a book so you expect that there aren't always going to the best decisions made and it will keep the plot going as well as teach the characters a lot about themselves and those around them, giving them opportunity to grow and discover things about themselves.
The world building is good, although I still have a lot of questions about how exactly, and who and under what circumstances did the alien and human DNA mix. What happened to the "parent/donors." We do get to see another competitor for the trials and meet several hybrids in this second book and it looks like according to the ending, we are going to meet the third in the next book. There is a lot of set-up in this one, as with so many second books, but I was okay with it because I enjoyed the romance and the action scenes that we got.
The pacing is good and it keeps the story moving along and my attention rapt. Although the ending was pretty cliff-hangerish. Of course, the climax always has events happening in quick succession, but several of these were fairly surprising and then all of the sudden you are at the end, going--did she stop in the middle of a chapter? Surely this arc is missing some pages, because you can't just drop a bomb like that and then end a book and make me wait another year (I'm guessing) to find out how they are going to possibly get themselves out of this pickle and get their HEA.

Bottom Line: Enjoyable sequel with swoon worthy scenes. Major cliffie though. ( )
  brandileigh2003 | Apr 15, 2014 |
That cliff-hanger! Why must you do this to me, Ms. Kade, when I have to wait over a year for the next installment?1?! ( )
  Cailiosa | Mar 4, 2014 |
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"Sixteen-year-old Ariane Tucker has finally escaped GTX, the research facility that created her from human and extraterrestrial DNA. But life on the run is complicated"--

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