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The Bridesmaid's Manual: Make it To and Through the Wedding with Your Sanity (and Your Friendship) Intact

von Sarah Stein

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Will you be my bridesmaid? It's flattering, isn't it? A romantic celebration, and you'll be playing a supporting role. But what if that means committing to a year of party planning and splurging on an unflattering dress you'll never wear again? How does a friendship survive strained budgets, bridal duties, and toilet paper games? Bridesmaid veterans Sarah Stein and Lucy Talbot are here with a manual that will prepare you for one of the greatest tests of female friendship. From dress shopping (for hers and yours) to budgeting for and planning the out-of-town bachelorette weekend (it's her only request!) to delicately declining other bridesmaids' bad ideas, you'll learn how to accomplish all your duties without an ounce of bitterness and with total grace. With the advice, tips, timetables, and lists provided here, you'll confidently slip into your new role and look forward to creating amazing memories of this exciting time in both of your lives.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonreadingrambles, TaraBlock

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Will you be my bridesmaid? It's flattering, isn't it? A romantic celebration, and you'll be playing a supporting role. But what if that means committing to a year of party planning and splurging on an unflattering dress you'll never wear again? How does a friendship survive strained budgets, bridal duties, and toilet paper games? Bridesmaid veterans Sarah Stein and Lucy Talbot are here with a manual that will prepare you for one of the greatest tests of female friendship. From dress shopping (for hers and yours) to budgeting for and planning the out-of-town bachelorette weekend (it's her only request!) to delicately declining other bridesmaids' bad ideas, you'll learn how to accomplish all your duties without an ounce of bitterness and with total grace. With the advice, tips, timetables, and lists provided here, you'll confidently slip into your new role and look forward to creating amazing memories of this exciting time in both of your lives.

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