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Smart Trust: The Defining Skill that Transforms Managers into Leaders

von Stephen M. R. Covey

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For fans of Radical Candor, Leaders Eat Last, and Covey's original bestseller, The Speed of Trust. Unleash the hidden power of trust, change lives, and influence your organization with proven, patented techniques. When Stephen M.R. Covey wrote The Speed of Trust in 2006, he had no idea the book would sell over 2 million copies in twenty-two languages and become a worldwide phenomenon. His belief in the hidden power of trust to change lives and impact organizations is now expanded in Smart Trust: Creating Prosperity, Energy, and Joy in a Low-Trust World. Trust in the modern workplace cannot be overstated. Trusted people are more likely to be hired and promoted, get the best projects and bigger budgets, and are typically the last group to be laid off. In an increasingly unpredictable marketplace, understanding and applying the tenets of Smart Trust will increase your probability of thriving personally and professionally. Additionally, your sound judgment and ability to trust in this low-trust world will give you a tremendous competitive advantage--and the capacity to navigate the organizational uncertainty that low trust creates. In a compelling and readable style, Covey and his long-time business partner Greg Link share enlightening principles and anecdotes of people and organizations that are not only achieving unprecedented prosperity from high-trust relationships but--even more inspiring--also attaining elevated levels of energy and joy.… (mehr)
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For fans of Radical Candor, Leaders Eat Last, and Covey's original bestseller, The Speed of Trust. Unleash the hidden power of trust, change lives, and influence your organization with proven, patented techniques. When Stephen M.R. Covey wrote The Speed of Trust in 2006, he had no idea the book would sell over 2 million copies in twenty-two languages and become a worldwide phenomenon. His belief in the hidden power of trust to change lives and impact organizations is now expanded in Smart Trust: Creating Prosperity, Energy, and Joy in a Low-Trust World. Trust in the modern workplace cannot be overstated. Trusted people are more likely to be hired and promoted, get the best projects and bigger budgets, and are typically the last group to be laid off. In an increasingly unpredictable marketplace, understanding and applying the tenets of Smart Trust will increase your probability of thriving personally and professionally. Additionally, your sound judgment and ability to trust in this low-trust world will give you a tremendous competitive advantage--and the capacity to navigate the organizational uncertainty that low trust creates. In a compelling and readable style, Covey and his long-time business partner Greg Link share enlightening principles and anecdotes of people and organizations that are not only achieving unprecedented prosperity from high-trust relationships but--even more inspiring--also attaining elevated levels of energy and joy.

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