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Healing Oils of the Bible von Daivd Stewart
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Healing Oils of the Bible (2003. Auflage)

von Daivd Stewart

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Healing vs. the Practice of Medicine.
Titel:Healing Oils of the Bible
Autoren:Daivd Stewart
Info:Care Publications (2003), Paperback
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Healing Oils Of The Bible von David Stewart

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I’ve always believed in essential oils and have used them a time or two instead of taking the prescribed antibiotics my doctor said I NEEDED to take...and they worked to stop infection and even to dissolve away a cyst. But, David Stewart, takes it to a whole new level by teaching that God wants us to use the oils, but with prayer. The healing process will be amplified. Before Gary Young (founder of Young Living) died, the author had the opportunity to train with him, learning about the oils and the infamous Raindrop Massage Technique, which I have not yet experienced.

He has had two major healings, himself, by using prayer with essential oils: 1) an instantaneous healing after 43 years of back pain, and 2) after a two month procedure of applying cypress and wintergreen oils to his knee injury morning and evening (with prayer) that occurred when he was 27 years old, osteoarthritis had set in at age 63, his knee was completely healed. He used Young Living essential oils and believe those oils to be in their purest form. Three things he said you need to know about essential oil companies to avoid buying fake or contaminated oils: the grower, the distiller and the supplier.

There are 1,035 references to the use of essential oils, whether directly or indirectly, in the Bible, and 33 specific oils mentioned (although there were known to be many more used that are not mentioned in the Bible):

1. Aloes (Sandalwood)
2. Anise
3. Balm (Balsam)
4. Bay (Bay Laurel)
5. Bdellium
6. Calamus
7. Cassia
8. Cedarwood
9. Cinnamon
10. Coriander
11. Cumin
12. Cypress
13. Dill
14. Fir
15. Frankincense
16. Galbanum
17. Henna
18. Hyssop
19. Juniper
20. Mint
21. Mustard Seed
22. Myrrh
23. Myrtle
24. Onycha
25. Pine
26. Rose of Isaiah
27. Rose of Sharon (Cistus)
28. Rue
29. Saffron
30. Shittah
31. Spikenard
32. Terebinth
33. Wormwood

Table Four-A in the Appendix shows references to Bible citations.

God intended for oils to be used for many purposes, but essential oils (aromatic oils) from organically or naturally grown plants mainly for healing. Ezekiel 47:12 says, “...Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for medicine”. I believe in God. He spoke these 100% natural pure and healing plants into being to be used as medicines with no side effects, unlike man-made medicines, with His own divine words; therefore, I am trusting in Him to direct me to the regimens and oils for my needs.

You will learn so much from the book, but you have to take your time. The author drops a lot of Bible verses that you will have to look up. You should take the time to look them up to get a better grasp on what he’s talking about. I just wish he would have sourced out his scientific information he wrote about regarding essential oils. And, I might add, it may be time for him to write a new book because a few of the oils mentioned in the book are no longer being made by Young Living (such as Exodus II, Ravensara, R.C., Spikenard (Nard), and a couple more. Apparently, some of the oils are getting hard to come by.

The last chapter gives step-by-step instructions on how to give a Biblically based Bible study on essential oils with a small group of friends (or large gathering). You would think he was marketing Young Living oils, BUT he isn't. He never asks you to sign up under his name so he reaps rewards. He really has trust in the Young Living brand because they have healed him, and so do I. Although I can't stand their business model, I do love their oils and know for a fact that they work. I buy their oils only for me and my family's needs.


I just got over a 3-1/2 week bout with covid. My cough turned into bronchitis, which was miserable but not unusual for me, but what is unusual is me taking prescribed medicines. My doctor prescribed an antibiotic, Arizromycin, which I’m not sure why because antibiotics are useless against viruses...and Covid is a virus...but I took them anyway. She prescribed a corticosteroid, Prednizone, and a good cough medicine, Bromphen-PSE-DM, which I only took when I had coughing fits and during my two days of bronchitis because coughing was so painful.

Well, the Prednizone caused a clot in my left leg to form...yes….deep vein thrombosis. I had two choices: 1) Go to the hospital while I had Covid and a blood clot. They would lay me up, on my back, immobile in bed where my lungs would probably fill up with fluids, because of my Covid and put me on highest doses of blood thinners and clot dissolvers for the rest of my life, which wouldn’t be long because of the pneumonia I would then have. Next, thing they’d have me on a ventilator where 70 to 80% of the people die. So, no thank you! 2) OR research to see if deep vein thrombosis can be taken care of at home. It can! My research lead to some basics first, then to essential oils, THEN to this book, “Healing Oils of the Bible” by David Stewart, which says that oils are more powerful when used with prayer.

I found that Helichrysum essential oil is THE oil used to dissolve blood clots and that many oils can be used as blood thinners. At first, I could barely even touch my calf to apply the oil, massage and heat. After just a couple of days I was able to apply some pressure on my calf for a massage. Then, another day or two I was able to start digging into the back of that calf for deeper and better massages. Now, three weeks into the program, my calf doesn’t even hurt at all. But, I will keep up the below regimen for at least a few more weeks, then tame it down a bit with a maintenance program. Below is my daily regimen:

(Note: This may not be, or work, for everyone. I am on no medications what-so-ever, and decided for myself that this was the route I wanted to go.]

1) Eat diet high in Vitamin A and Vitamin E (Vitamin A blocks the absorption of Vitamin K...a known blood thickener; Vitamin E does not block Vitamin K, but it does inhibit blood clot formation by “inhibiting the actions of enzymes activated by Vitamin K”. [SFGATE website: “Do Some Vitamins Inhibit the Absorption of Other Vitamins?”, accessed 8/18/2021]
2) Wear compression socks
3) Elevate leg as much as possible
4) Walk. Get exercise.
- Week 1 - Start with 3-4 slow 5 minute walks
- Week 2 - walk 10 minutes 3 times a day
- Week 3 - walk 15 minutes 3 times a day
- Week 4 - walk 20 minutes 2 times a day
- Week 5 - walk 40 minutes once a day
5) Massage calf for 3 minutes 3 times a day with essential w/equal amounts of Helichrysum, Lemon & Lavender EO's and a couple drops of carrier oil after walking. Prayer while applying the oil magnifies the healing process.
6) Apply heat on calf for 20 minutes 3 times a day) NOTE: The heat will open up pores and drive the essential oils deeper into cells to do its job.
7) Take 1-3 drops of Helichrysum EO and 1 drop Grapefruit EO (OR 1 drop Slim & Sassy by doTerra) 3 times a day in a shot glass with water or soy milk. ( )
  MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
As an aromatherapist who is deeply rooted in my walk with Christ, I know that God spoke life into plants and that He created them for us, dear ones. Isn't that amazing?! It is because of this that I know that everything that I need to heal myself and my family is available to me. It's available to you too. This core belief is what drew me to Healing Oils of the Bible, and it is what had me quite taken with the book at the start of the book.

You see, I believe that there is a proper order when seeking healing. First I believe in prayer, the single most powerful tool that we have. Through prayer alone we can be healed, but there are times when we need to use the tools that God has so freely given to us, which is why I believe in herbal medicine second. While some folks lean towards the phrase "God helps those who help themselves", one of the most used non passage phrases, others believe that they need do nothing and God will take care of everything if you just believe. I am somewhere right in the middle of those two groups of people. I believe with my whole heart that GOD HELPS THOSE WHO CANT HELP THEMSELVES, but He doesn't always right things without involving us in a solution. He often helps us by giving us the tools. Lastly, I am not anti-modern medicine if need be.

This is why I loved the concept of Healing Oils of the Bible and initially considered teaching a class. The beginning was like someone had written a book on the very core beliefs that I have regarding herbalism and aromatherapy. But... Later, I started to feel much differently about the book, because another core belief that I have about the resources that God has given us is that they belong to each of us freely and a true healer wants to share what he/she knows so that the word can spread, so that others can be healed, and so that it isn't lost through the generations. To me, when used in God's order, herbalism is a ministry.

Author, David Stewart, and I see things differently in this regard I think, as later the book talks about getting people to teach classes on the premise of his book, but with a hook, he endorses only one company, and pushes their patented blends.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!

BECAUSE HE PROFITS! David Stewart, PhD is tied to Young Living a hundred ways to Sunday. He is a paid speaker for them, and him and his wife are the founders of the Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, which is not a true organization like the Aromatherapy Institute, but instead a group that promotes Young Living and their Raindrop Therapy, a very dangerous practice. ( )
  StephLaymon | Aug 12, 2018 |
This is an excellent book showing the different Bible passages as to which oils they used during the times, which oils have stood the test of time, aromatherapy and how to use it to the best abilities. Using oils as medicines, annointing, healing, and oils we can use today to treat ourselves and others. The only down side of this book is a lot of the oils used in it are very expensive to buy, ( )
  lauriehere | Nov 19, 2010 |
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