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Plain Again (The Plain Fame Trilogy) (Volume…
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Plain Again (The Plain Fame Trilogy) (Volume 3) (2013. Auflage)

von Sarah Price

Reihen: Plain Fame (3)

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243977,208 (4.25)1
"Only weeks after being married, Amanda is back at her parents' farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to tend to her ailing father while Alejandro is back on the road performing for his adoring fans. How will time and distance impact their relationship? Will the demands of his fans overshadow his love for Amanda? And how will the Amish community react to Amanda's presence (along with the return of the paparazzi) in their community? An Amish Christian Romance that will leave you breathless and wanting more." --… (mehr)
Titel:Plain Again (The Plain Fame Trilogy) (Volume 3)
Autoren:Sarah Price
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2013), Paperback, 332 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Plain Again von Sarah Price

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Plain Again by Sarah Price is the third book in her Plain Fame series. Amanda Beiler Diaz has had to return home to Lititz, Pennsylvania to take care of her sick father as well as the farm. Alejandro is not able to come with her. He is preparing for their South American tour with rehearsals and media interviews. Alejandro has hired help for the farm as well as arranging for a nurse and physical therapist for when Mr. Beiler returns home. Alejandro is miserable without Amanda, but she does not feel that she can leave the farm. Her sister, Anna is getting married in a few weeks (in Ohio) and Amanda does not want to destroy her chance at marriage and happiness (I was amazed she went ahead with the wedding while her father was still in the hospital). The media has descended again on the small farm making life difficult and they are continuing to print lies. While they are apart, they have communication problems, gossips, and people interfering in their lives (in a bad way). Amanda is glad to be home, but she no longer fits in with the Amish community (nor do they give her a warm welcome). Will Amanda and Alejandro be able to withstand this separation?

Plain Again is an easy book to read with good writing. It is nice to revisit the characters of Amanda and Alejandro as well as Mr. & Mrs. Beiler. The farm sounds like such a peaceful place (if only the press would stay away). I really hope that this poor couple get a happily ever after soon (somehow I do not think it is in the cards in the foreseeable future). I give Plain Again 4 out of 5 stars. I look forward to seeing what happens with Amanda and Alejandro next as they embark on the South American tour.

I received a complimentary copy of Plain Again from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Oct 5, 2015 |
I love Viper and Amanda and have truly enjoyed this series. Sarah Price has captured a spark rarely felt between two people and managed to transfer that into her writing. When I wasn't reading I found myself wondering what the couple were up to and what was going to become of them.

Amanda has returned home to care for her dad and Viper is still on the road, and recording videos and songs. Vipers manager wants to keep them apart and is willing to do anything to achieve his goals. ( )
  wearylibrarian | Feb 1, 2014 |
So, here's book 3 of The Plain Fame Trilogy. Thank you, Sarah Price for such a great story! I highly recommend this Trilogy! ( )
  rosebud92107 | Dec 17, 2013 |
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"Only weeks after being married, Amanda is back at her parents' farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to tend to her ailing father while Alejandro is back on the road performing for his adoring fans. How will time and distance impact their relationship? Will the demands of his fans overshadow his love for Amanda? And how will the Amish community react to Amanda's presence (along with the return of the paparazzi) in their community? An Amish Christian Romance that will leave you breathless and wanting more." --

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