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A Dirty Shame: A J.J. Graves Mystery (Volume…
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A Dirty Shame: A J.J. Graves Mystery (Volume 2) (2012. Auflage)

von Liliana Hart (Autor)

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915306,988 (3.92)2
Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Thriller. HTML:

J.J. Graves is back in Bloody Mary, but she's a long way from feeling at home. Between her bodily scars from being the target of a murderer and the emotional scars left by her parents, she doesn't know who she can trust. But death doesn't stop for anyone.

The first murder is grisly. The second even more so. And though things are shaky between them, she and her best friend, Jack, have no choice but to join forces and find the killer. Because the life of someone they love dearly hangs in the balance.

… (mehr)
Titel:A Dirty Shame: A J.J. Graves Mystery (Volume 2)
Autoren:Liliana Hart (Autor)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2012), 326 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


A Dirty Shame (J.J. Graves Mystery, #2) von Liliana Hart

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J.J. Graves has finally returned home to Bloody Mary. Unfortunately she discovers a body, a tortured body. But it's not the last. Sheriff Jack Lawson investigates, with JJ is her role as coroner and friend, helping.
A enjoyable, gripping mystery with a great cast of characters. And a good ending. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
The wild life of J.J. Graves continues now that she had returned from her recovery time to her mortuary ownership and coroner responsibilities. The sex heats up, as well as the grisly murder count.

Don't plan on reading this one without IMMEDIATELY wanting to go to #3 in the series 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrel' ( )
  ker95tx | May 27, 2020 |
Another body, another difficult identification. Found face down in the river the damage to the face is extensive Jaye will have to stabilize the skin of the fingers to get the fingerprints to ID him.
The FBI arrives in town with the identification. They want to question Sheriff Jack Lawson because he knew the victim. The story becomes convoluted and very interesting as Jack and the FBI look for the killer. ( )
  Bettesbooks | Dec 11, 2018 |
I love how well these books finish - can't wait for the next one ( )
  SashaM | Apr 20, 2016 |
A Dirty Shame (J.J. Graves Mystery #2)by Liliana Hart, was a bit more somber then the first book, but I was happy that the events in book one were not swept under the carpet, but were incorporated into this book in as part of the continuing plot.

In book two we find JJ and Jack working on another series of murders that seem to be related to a hate crime. Surrounding this main theme, we see JJ coming to teams with what happened to her in book 1, her path to healing is a rough one, and a bit quick(especially if you don't take the "12" weeks she spent away from Bloody Mary into account). Jack remains lovable & supportive though her process, and by the end of the book he has declared his love to JJ ,furthering the romantic theme of the books.

The story is well written, and does have some humor, just not as much as the first book had. Interlaced with the murder plot we get more of JJ’s back story, and glimpses into why Jack is the sheriff in Bloody Mary (more info on this appears in book three) The author does a good job tying all the of the plots threads together, and ends the book with a big surprise. It was this ending that drove me directly into book 3, as I really needed to know what was going to happen.

For me this was a strong 4 star read, the themes and references in the book, being so real, they could be found in the pages of any American newspaper.
( )
  kerbytejas | Mar 25, 2016 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Thriller. HTML:

J.J. Graves is back in Bloody Mary, but she's a long way from feeling at home. Between her bodily scars from being the target of a murderer and the emotional scars left by her parents, she doesn't know who she can trust. But death doesn't stop for anyone.

The first murder is grisly. The second even more so. And though things are shaky between them, she and her best friend, Jack, have no choice but to join forces and find the killer. Because the life of someone they love dearly hangs in the balance.


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