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Homecoming: A Cloaked Devices Short Story…
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Homecoming: A Cloaked Devices Short Story (Cloaked Devices #0.5) (2013. Auflage)

von Cecilia Robert, Tricia Kristufek (Herausgeber), Anne Victory (Herausgeber), Ravven (Illustrator)

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Titel:Homecoming: A Cloaked Devices Short Story (Cloaked Devices #0.5)
Autoren:Cecilia Robert
Weitere Autoren:Tricia Kristufek (Herausgeber), Anne Victory (Herausgeber), Ravven (Illustrator)
Info:Cecilia Robert (2013), Edition: First Edition, Kindle Edition, 132 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Homecoming (Cloaked Devices #0.5) von Cecilia Robert

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The first thing I noticed and loved was the cover. This is the first time I’ve read any of Cecilia Robert’s work and I’m really glad I gave it a try. I love finding new authors and unique stories and this one is definitely unique. It’s a cross between steampunk and paranormal. There are shifters, humans with talent and a mixture of the two. Good writing and Great world building brought the story to life.

Sera is a woman with secrets and hurts. She is living with outcast to hide both of these, but in the five years since she ran from her mate she’s forgotten to keep looking over her shoulder. It hasn’t been easy for her to survive. Sera has had to change from the young lady she was to the strong capable woman she’s become. What she’s had to do and undergo to survive has made her one badass heroine. When I found out what her big secret was my heart just broke for the innocent and vulnerable girl she used to be. I was impressed with Sera’s determination and strength to overcome her past and continue to move forward.

Levian is an Alpha in the best way. Hot, loving, tender, and most importantly faithful. He also has a very forgiving heart for those he loves. He has suffered for five years without his mate and in this novella he finds Sera and learns why she ran away. The conflicting emotions are portrayed perfectly. One minute he’s furious and a bit cold and mean; the next he can’t keep his hands off of Sera.

I did not get enough of Levian and Sera! I sincerely hope the next Cloaked Devices is a continuation of their story. I would recommend this to anyone that likes a love story and/or paranormal romances. It’s also a great read for anyone who’s never read steampunk; it’s a gentle introduction into the genre.

(I received a copy from author in exchange for an honest review.)

Darker Passions
( )
  Tala2cubs | Sep 3, 2014 |
Homecoming by Cecilia Robert
(Book #0.5: Cloaked Devices Series)
Source: Author
Rating: 4½/5 stars

I like big cats and I cannot lie . . .yep, I went there. Now down to business . . . .

Homecoming is a short and sweet introduction to the Cloaked Devices series by Cecilia Robert and I have to say, I quite enjoyed this steampunk read. Levian has lost his mate and for the last five years has spent a considerable amount of time and effort searching for her. Sera is the missing half of his soul and with no explanation she simply vanished before they could complete the mating ceremony. This makes for a very, very cranky shape-shifting panther. GGGGRRR . . . . .

At just seventeen years old, Sera saw her whole life flash before her eyes in one horrifying moment when the wrong man (or is he?) stood up to claim her during the union ceremony. Hugely embarrassed and harboring a secret sure to bring shame on her family, Sera runs before the mating ceremony is complete and her life begins even more of a disaster than it already is. Since that time, Sera has managed to keep herself hidden and make a very successful life for herself as a professor and book shop owner in Varselles – the City of Outcasts. Oh, and she has managed to collect yet another big secret.

And then one day, Levian gets word of a Sera sighting and he is off to finally claim his mate. After gathering his best-friend Uriel and his twin brother and complete man-whore, Tegue the group is off to Varselles to collect one mate. Though he expects a fight, Levian is shocked to find that Sera is not only willing to come home with him but to also complete the mating ceremony. But, before that can happen, Sera has to collect a few final items that must go home with her. One of those items might just be a final volume of a set of books that when used in the right way can pretty much the end the world as everyone knows it. Yikes!!!

The Bottom Line: I am a pretty big fan of strong characters and Sera, Levian and, Tegue all fit the bill for me. In the years since her escape, Sera has really matured and become quite the tough girl – she knows her mind and how to assert herself. Levian is one driven man and his desire and determination are significant plusses – it doesn’t hurt that his panther growls when he gets angry or excited. And then, there is Tegue, the one character I really didn’t want to like but damn it all to Hell, I had to change my mind. Add to the strong characters, the world-ending books and the wonderful descriptions of a steampunk world and you have a recipe for awesome. I have to say, I think I may just have changed my mind about the whole steampunk genre. Well done Cecilia Robert, well done! ( )
  arthistorychick | Jan 30, 2014 |
Wanting to hide a secret, Sera Czedar, a twenty-three-year-old panther shifter ran away from home after her mating ceremony. Five years later, she has made a life for herself as a part owner of a book store in Varselles. She is also a feared fighter in the rings; a much different person then the girl who left her home all those years ago.

Beta, Levian Grayson, has been grieving the loss of his mate, Sera. After five years, he found a lead to her whereabouts. She has been spotted in Versalles, a town where the roughest shifter outcast live. He sets out for Versalles with plans to bring her home, whether she wants to or not.

I enjoyed Homecoming. It is a quick book to read at 121 eBook pages. The Steampunk element made it different than most shifter novels. It also has some interesting surprises.

Cecilia Robert did a great job in the character development. She did an admirable job showing how the characters changed as a result of Sera’s abandoning her clan.

Homecoming formed an intriguing setting for the Cloaked Devices series. I look forward to Rise Book One in the series to be released in 2014.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  dlynch | Jan 12, 2014 |
3.5 Stars

We start off from Levian POV whom is a bit moody and a smidge annoying with his caveman act Sera she's my mate don’t look, think, mention or anything that has to do with my mate or else. However he did grow on me as the story progress. I was hoping he would beat the crap out of his twin brother Tegue because he needed it IMO. So my favorite scene I would have to say is when Tegue and Sera finally come face to face after 5 years. Great scene that made me chuckle. Sera was a very big plus. I really like a strong independent heroine. She knew how to take care of herself and protect the ones she loves without her leading man. Though I do like them better together I’m glad she can stand on her own without him. There were a few things going on that were not explained all that well. The main one was the books about the cloaking devices Sera collecting and trying to find. So I will be looking forward to reading the next book. This series has a lot going for it and I can't wait to see where it will lead.

ARC courtesy of Victory Editing via NetGalley ( )
  Caj828 | Oct 25, 2013 |
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