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Graduates in Wonderland: The International…
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Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults (2014. Auflage)

von Jessica Pan, Rachel Kapelke-Dale

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14138200,621 (3.68)8
"Two best friends document their post-college lives in a hilarious, relatable, and powerfully honest epistolary memoir. Fast friends since they met at Brown University during their freshman year, Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke-Dale vowed to keep in touch after their senior year through in-depth-and brutally honest-weekly e-mails. After graduation, Jess packs up everything she owns and moves to Beijing on a whim, while Rachel heads to New York to work for an art gallery and to figure out her love life. Each spends the next few years tumbling through adulthood and reinventing themselves in various countries, including France, China, and Australia. Through their messages from around the world, they swap tales of teaching classes of military men, running a magazine, and flirting in foreign languages, along with the hard stuff: from harrowing accidents to breakups and breakdowns. Reminiscent of Sloan Crosley's essays and Lena Dunham's Girls, Graduates in Wonderland is an intimate, no-holds-barred portrait of two young women as they embark upon adulthood. "--… (mehr)
Titel:Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults
Autoren:Jessica Pan
Weitere Autoren:Rachel Kapelke-Dale
Info:Gotham (2014), Paperback, 304 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults von Jessica Pan

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I really enjoyed it. I liked both girls and they felt like good friends of mine. They say that every book projects on your life experience (or vice versa) and this projected strongly in a bittersweet nostalgic way. I had similar years after my graduation, at a similar age, even during the same years (it appears I am the same age as the authors). Even with all the mistakes and uncertainty, it is one of the best periods in life and many great memories are connected to it. ( )
  dacejav | May 16, 2022 |
The correspondence of Rachel and Jess brings you through the first three years of their lives post college. I think this is a great read for anyone who feels aimless and like they don't know what they're doing. Jess and Rachel do a great job reminding us that everyone feels kind of lost after college, whether there is a plan or not. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
The correspondence of Rachel and Jess brings you through the first three years of their lives post college. I think this is a great read for anyone who feels aimless and like they don't know what they're doing. Jess and Rachel do a great job reminding us that everyone feels kind of lost after college, whether there is a plan or not. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
The correspondence of Rachel and Jess brings you through the first three years of their lives post college. I think this is a great read for anyone who feels aimless and like they don't know what they're doing. Jess and Rachel do a great job reminding us that everyone feels kind of lost after college, whether there is a plan or not. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
The correspondence of Rachel and Jess brings you through the first three years of their lives post college. I think this is a great read for anyone who feels aimless and like they don't know what they're doing. Jess and Rachel do a great job reminding us that everyone feels kind of lost after college, whether there is a plan or not. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
They graduated from Brown University and headed out across the world, but as they chronicled their first three years, they were still learning how to grown up.

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

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Pan, JessicaHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Kapelke-Dale, RachelHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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"Two best friends document their post-college lives in a hilarious, relatable, and powerfully honest epistolary memoir. Fast friends since they met at Brown University during their freshman year, Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke-Dale vowed to keep in touch after their senior year through in-depth-and brutally honest-weekly e-mails. After graduation, Jess packs up everything she owns and moves to Beijing on a whim, while Rachel heads to New York to work for an art gallery and to figure out her love life. Each spends the next few years tumbling through adulthood and reinventing themselves in various countries, including France, China, and Australia. Through their messages from around the world, they swap tales of teaching classes of military men, running a magazine, and flirting in foreign languages, along with the hard stuff: from harrowing accidents to breakups and breakdowns. Reminiscent of Sloan Crosley's essays and Lena Dunham's Girls, Graduates in Wonderland is an intimate, no-holds-barred portrait of two young women as they embark upon adulthood. "--

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