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The IVP Concise Atlas of Bible History

von Paul Lawrence

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"Want a quick and accurate grasp on all the history that is part of the Bible's story? Or do you want a colorful, visually rich guide to the land that has shaped so many passions for millennia? In this handy-sized reference, you get both. Here is a superb introduction to the Bible's history, geography and archaeology, packed with absorbing information that offers a hundred mapsa variety of panoramic reconstructionsmultiple site plansdozens of color photographsclear chronological chartsan index and gazetteer This atlas traces the unfolding of the major events in the Old and New Testaments and draws on the latest findings of historians and archaeologists. Starting from the dawn of time, it breaks down thousands of years into easy-to-digest segments. From creation to the exodus to the birth of the church, this atlas maps out the history of the Bible concisely and comprehensively. All the great characters of the Bible can be found here in their own setting--Moses, David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Jesus, Paul and more. Now their stories come to life in this book based on The IVP Atlas of Bible History that is now condensed by Richard Johnson." --Publisher's description.… (mehr)
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"Want a quick and accurate grasp on all the history that is part of the Bible's story? Or do you want a colorful, visually rich guide to the land that has shaped so many passions for millennia? In this handy-sized reference, you get both. Here is a superb introduction to the Bible's history, geography and archaeology, packed with absorbing information that offers a hundred mapsa variety of panoramic reconstructionsmultiple site plansdozens of color photographsclear chronological chartsan index and gazetteer This atlas traces the unfolding of the major events in the Old and New Testaments and draws on the latest findings of historians and archaeologists. Starting from the dawn of time, it breaks down thousands of years into easy-to-digest segments. From creation to the exodus to the birth of the church, this atlas maps out the history of the Bible concisely and comprehensively. All the great characters of the Bible can be found here in their own setting--Moses, David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Jesus, Paul and more. Now their stories come to life in this book based on The IVP Atlas of Bible History that is now condensed by Richard Johnson." --Publisher's description.

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