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Lädt ... Farm der Tiere (1945)von George Orwell
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Melde dich bei LibraryThing an um herauszufinden, ob du dieses Buch mögen würdest. Keine aktuelle Diskussion zu diesem Buch. Animal Farm ist eine unterhaltsame kleine Fabel, die jedoch zu deutlich von der Geschichte der Sowjetunion beeinflusst ist, so dass sich Ereignisse und Personen aus der UdSSR direkt im Text wiederfinden lassen. Dies hat mich leider sehr davon abgehalten, wirklich eintauchen zu können, da ich ständig im Kopf dabei war, zu überlegen, was an der entsprechenden Stelle jetzt wieder die Parallele sein könnte. Eine allgemeingültigere Geschichte ohne direkte Vorlage, wie sie Orwell in 1984 präsentiert, hätte mir besser gefallen. ( )
This book was one of the most informative books of my life. According to its story and the characters in it, this book also shows the lives of people. When the animals revolutionized and freed themselves from the confinement of humans, their union surprised the surrounding animals and made them all very happy. But with the passage of time and the selfishness of the pigs, little by little there was a gap between the members and they had differences. By breaking the rules of the farm and changing these rules to their advantage, the pigs reduced the unity among the animals so that they only thought of themselves. Pigs in this story are a symbol of selfish people who don't care about others and only think about their own progress, think they are better than others and don't care about them. On the other hand, the farm horse, which is a hard-working animal, did his best to move towards the development of the farm, and lost his life in this way. The other animals, who were not aware, needed to be guided by someone who knew, but the pigs, who were their leaders, selfishly left the other animals in ignorance and thought of their own interests. These animals are the symbol of all the oppressed people who are waiting in this world with the hope of a knowledgeable leader, but they don't find thoughtful leaders, they are just deceived. According to the general trend of the story, it can be concluded that no matter who and how he came to power or what his past was like, every person who comes to power becomes greedy and becomes very selfish. He tries to take steps towards his own interests. But according to the personality of people, some of them also pay attention to other people, but others, regardless of other people, only aim for their own progress and do everything to achieve this goal. For example, two farm pigs who acted as the farm's leader get into trouble with each other due to their personal interests and end up destroying each other. This shows how much status and dignity can affect people in such a way that they forget even their friend. But the end of these people is never good, just as they forget others, the people around them also forget them and their lives become meaningless. As a result, entrusting power to a few people who are not from the people and only care about their own interests, causes harm to the society, therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of the leader and never hand over the authority completely to anyone. Gehört zu VerlagsreihenArion Press (99) Biblioteca Folha (14) — 40 mehr Blackbirds (1993.3) Clube de Literatura Clássica (CLC) (40.1 [August 2023]) Delfinserien (45) Destinolibro (23) Fischer Bücherei (216) Gallimard, Folio (1516) Grote ABC (126) Llibres a mà (7) Gli Oscar [Mondadori] (102) Penguin Audiobooks (PEN 252) Penguin Books (838) Penguin Clothbound Classics (2021) Penguin English Library, 2012 series (2018-06) Penguin Modern Classics (838) RBA Narrativa Actual (10) Signet Classics (CW1028) Stichting De Roos (155) Volk und Welt Spektrum (261) Áncora y Delfín (413) Ist enthalten inHat die (nicht zu einer Reihe gehörende) FortsetzungBearbeitet/umgesetzt inIst gekürzt inWird parodiert inInspiriertHat eine Studie überEin Kommentar zu dem Text findet sich inHat als Erläuterung für Schüler oder StudentenHat einen LehrerleitfadenAuszeichnungenPrestigeträchtige AuswahlenBemerkenswerte Listen
Die geistvoll-satirische Parabel vom Leben der Tiere, die sich von der Herrschaft des Menschen gelöst haben, entwirft ein kulturhistorisches Abbild menschlicher Gesellschaft Keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen gefunden. |
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