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The People's Pilgrim: John Bunyan Autobiography

von Peter Morden

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'The Pilgrim's Progress' has become the world's second most printed book, after the Bible. The story of 'Christian' and his perilous journey towards the 'Celestial City' is loved by many, and so too was its author - John Bunyan, the 'People's Pilgrim'.Bunyan's own life was one marked by trial and suffering, including twelve years in prison for refusing to stop preaching the gospel. Bunyan used this time to grow closer to God and to pen some of the acknowledged classics of English literature.Written in the style of his popular biography of C.H. Spurgeon, Peter Morden's engaging account of Bunyan's life is further enhanced by beautiful illustrations. Each chapter concludes with 'Going Further' and 'Your Own Journey' sections, to spur you on in your walk with God.'Who could have predicted that a ragged, impoverished, foul-mouthed tinker-mechanic would live to pen the bestselling novel of all time - The Pilgrim's Progress ....? Bunyan's life as Morden narrates it is history at its most-entertaining best, full of insight, surprise, tension, courage and awesome endurance.' Greg Haslam, Minister of Westminster Chapel, London… (mehr)
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'The Pilgrim's Progress' has become the world's second most printed book, after the Bible. The story of 'Christian' and his perilous journey towards the 'Celestial City' is loved by many, and so too was its author - John Bunyan, the 'People's Pilgrim'.Bunyan's own life was one marked by trial and suffering, including twelve years in prison for refusing to stop preaching the gospel. Bunyan used this time to grow closer to God and to pen some of the acknowledged classics of English literature.Written in the style of his popular biography of C.H. Spurgeon, Peter Morden's engaging account of Bunyan's life is further enhanced by beautiful illustrations. Each chapter concludes with 'Going Further' and 'Your Own Journey' sections, to spur you on in your walk with God.'Who could have predicted that a ragged, impoverished, foul-mouthed tinker-mechanic would live to pen the bestselling novel of all time - The Pilgrim's Progress ....? Bunyan's life as Morden narrates it is history at its most-entertaining best, full of insight, surprise, tension, courage and awesome endurance.' Greg Haslam, Minister of Westminster Chapel, London

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