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A Little Book About Me & My Mum

von Jedda Robaard

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What better way for a child to celebrate a beloved parent than with a book of personal thoughts, memories, photos, and drawings? This lovely little scrapbook will make a wonderful gift for mom. Inside, children can fill it with facts about their mother - where she was born, her favorite color, what she loved to do when she was little--along with notes about the fun things they do together as a family. There are places for photos, spots for drawing, and lots of space for kids to express all the reasons they love their mom so much. A built-in pouch at the back of the book can be used to store photos, notes, and other mom-related mementos. The book also comes with a gift card that children can use to write a special message for their mother. A heartwarming keepsake that will be cherished for years.… (mehr)
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What better way for a child to celebrate a beloved parent than with a book of personal thoughts, memories, photos, and drawings? This lovely little scrapbook will make a wonderful gift for mom. Inside, children can fill it with facts about their mother - where she was born, her favorite color, what she loved to do when she was little--along with notes about the fun things they do together as a family. There are places for photos, spots for drawing, and lots of space for kids to express all the reasons they love their mom so much. A built-in pouch at the back of the book can be used to store photos, notes, and other mom-related mementos. The book also comes with a gift card that children can use to write a special message for their mother. A heartwarming keepsake that will be cherished for years.

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