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The Scots & The Turf : Racing and Breeding - The Scottish Influence

von Alan Yuill Walker

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The Scots & The Turf tells the story of the great contribution made to the world of Thoroughbred horse racing by the Scots and those of Scottish ancestry, past and present, culminating with the 2017 Grand National winner One For Arthur. The influence has been across the board, from jockeys to trainers and owners, as well as many legendary horses. Outstanding personalities include trainers Mark Johnston on the Flat and Alan King over jumps, five-time champion Flat jockey Willie Carson, and the greatest of all jumping enthusiasts, the late Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. While they are long established names, the 21st century has embraced a new roll of honour headed by One For Arthur's trainer Lucinda Russell, Keith Dalgleish, who has established new records for a Scottish-based (Flat) trainer, and Lucy Alexander, a brilliant young jump jockey, and many others. Recognition of the part played by all those from north of the border is long overdue and The Scots & The Turf sets the record straight with a fascinating account of those who have helped make horse racing into the fabulous spectacle it is today.… (mehr)

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The Scots & The Turf tells the story of the great contribution made to the world of Thoroughbred horse racing by the Scots and those of Scottish ancestry, past and present, culminating with the 2017 Grand National winner One For Arthur. The influence has been across the board, from jockeys to trainers and owners, as well as many legendary horses. Outstanding personalities include trainers Mark Johnston on the Flat and Alan King over jumps, five-time champion Flat jockey Willie Carson, and the greatest of all jumping enthusiasts, the late Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. While they are long established names, the 21st century has embraced a new roll of honour headed by One For Arthur's trainer Lucinda Russell, Keith Dalgleish, who has established new records for a Scottish-based (Flat) trainer, and Lucy Alexander, a brilliant young jump jockey, and many others. Recognition of the part played by all those from north of the border is long overdue and The Scots & The Turf sets the record straight with a fascinating account of those who have helped make horse racing into the fabulous spectacle it is today.

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