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Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An…
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Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education (Turning Point Christian Worldview Series) (1991. Auflage)

von Douglas Wilson

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858326,342 (3.91)Keine
Public education is in crisis. At the heart of the problem is the idea that education can exist in a moral vacuum. Describes the melee in public education and calls for a return to classical teaching methods.
Titel:Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education (Turning Point Christian Worldview Series)
Autoren:Douglas Wilson
Info:Crossway Books (1991), Paperback, 224 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education von Douglas Wilson

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"Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning" is an evangelical Protestant, albeit Calvinistic, support of Classical Education with the privately run Christian school seen as the preferred vehicle of accomplishing this.

As a look into a particular application of this idea, i.e. Classical Education, via Wilson's 'Logos School' it has value as a concrete real-life example within a private school situation, but doesn't provide enough of a thorough general grounding in Classical Education to be applied easily to a home-school situation.

For those interested in a heavily Scriptural defense - though from a strong Calvinistic interpretation - of private schooling, especially versus public schooling, this book suffices.

The book, being published in 1991, is outdated in parts - especially in the area of television, and video stores - but the general message of those sections is still relevant even in the age of the internet and social media.

The including of Dorothy Sayers' essay, "The Lost Tools of Learning" in Appendix A is helpful; especially if one does not already have it.

Overall, I rated this book with 3 stars.

It provides an interesting window into Classical Education as viewed by a Protestant Calvinist running a private school, but it is certainly not a general 'handbook' to Classical Education. ( )
  MusicforMovies | Feb 15, 2017 |
This book gets one star for it's explanation of the Trivium. But I cannot recommend this book. It's based on several illogical premises that seem based purely on faith and personal preferences. I am concerned for the children who attend this school he describes, and was flabbergasted with his description of children as inherently evil. I am afraid Douglas Wilson has not moved out of the Middle Ages in many of his belief systems, and this is ufortunate becuse classical education can do wonderful things for people of all religions and all backgrounds. And nobody need be identified as lacking good character or going to hell in the process. It would be lovely to modify this book and to write about Classical Education from it's original roots in Hedonism and some would say the Humanis roots of Unitarian Universalism. See Climbing Parnassus for an understanding of where the Trivium came from originally before the Catholic church stole the philosophy and logic of the Greeks in order to use it to convince people through rhetoric of the value of faith based religions. ( )
  nlaurent | Jan 14, 2009 |
I was disappointed with this book. Wilson seems to set up a false dichotomy between classical education and the dreaded public school system. Yes, it's titled "an" approach, not "the" approach, but I found myself waiting for more support in favor of his approach rather than reasons to distrust the public school.
  mebrock | Jan 5, 2008 |
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Public education is in crisis. At the heart of the problem is the idea that education can exist in a moral vacuum. Describes the melee in public education and calls for a return to classical teaching methods.

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