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The Cavalier (Cavalier Trilogy, #1)

von Jason L. McWhirter

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"This intensely written novel of fantasy and magic, good and evil, draws you in to a rich tapestry; the world that author Jason L. McWhirter has created...If you enjoy being drawn into a world laced with heroes, goblins, orcs and magic, then this is the story is for you." Fantasy Book Review ( "The writing is crisp and polished, and the narrative has a good level of description for a fantasy novel. Jonas is a sympathetic character who the reader immediately cares about..." Sift Book Review An ancient evil has awakened in the lands of Kraawn. An evil that threatened the lands long ago, now stirs deep in the Black Lands of the North. Cavaliers, the guardians of the righteous, have long been the protectors of Kraawn. Trained in combat and blessed with the powers of the gods, these warriors roam the lands using their skills to fight back the power of the Forsworn, a trio of evil gods whose ultimate goal is to blanket the world in a mist of darkness. But something has been slaying these warriors and now the lands of Kraawn are at risk, the path of invasion paved by the deaths of the only guardians capable of combating the dark powers of the Forsworn. But not all is lost. A young boy, a cripple raised in a small mountain town, will become Kraawn's only hope. Jonas Kanrene thought his life was limited to helping his mother survive in the desolate Tundren Mountains. Then one night a stranger arrives, a powerful cavalier, bringing with him hope, life, ...and death, and becoming a catalyst for all the change that was about to dismantle Jonas's world. Can the powers of good fight back the horde of evil amassing in the north? Can Jonas grow into the man, the warrior, the cavalier capable of stopping the Forsworn? One thing is certain. The lands of Kraawn will never again be the same.… (mehr)
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"This intensely written novel of fantasy and magic, good and evil, draws you in to a rich tapestry; the world that author Jason L. McWhirter has created...If you enjoy being drawn into a world laced with heroes, goblins, orcs and magic, then this is the story is for you." Fantasy Book Review ( "The writing is crisp and polished, and the narrative has a good level of description for a fantasy novel. Jonas is a sympathetic character who the reader immediately cares about..." Sift Book Review An ancient evil has awakened in the lands of Kraawn. An evil that threatened the lands long ago, now stirs deep in the Black Lands of the North. Cavaliers, the guardians of the righteous, have long been the protectors of Kraawn. Trained in combat and blessed with the powers of the gods, these warriors roam the lands using their skills to fight back the power of the Forsworn, a trio of evil gods whose ultimate goal is to blanket the world in a mist of darkness. But something has been slaying these warriors and now the lands of Kraawn are at risk, the path of invasion paved by the deaths of the only guardians capable of combating the dark powers of the Forsworn. But not all is lost. A young boy, a cripple raised in a small mountain town, will become Kraawn's only hope. Jonas Kanrene thought his life was limited to helping his mother survive in the desolate Tundren Mountains. Then one night a stranger arrives, a powerful cavalier, bringing with him hope, life, ...and death, and becoming a catalyst for all the change that was about to dismantle Jonas's world. Can the powers of good fight back the horde of evil amassing in the north? Can Jonas grow into the man, the warrior, the cavalier capable of stopping the Forsworn? One thing is certain. The lands of Kraawn will never again be the same.

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