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Falling Away (The Fall Away Series) von…
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Falling Away (The Fall Away Series) (2023. Auflage)

von Penelope Douglas (Autor)

Reihen: Fall Away (3)

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2277123,162 (4.08)Keine
K. C. Carter has always followed the rules-until she makes a mistake that leaves her the talk of her college campus and brings her carefully arranged life crashing to a halt. Now she's stuck in her small hometown for the summer so she can complete her court-ordered community service. To make matters worse, trouble is living right next door. Jaxon Trent is the worst kind of temptation and exactly what K. C. was supposed to stay away from in high school. But he never forgot her. She was the one girl who wouldn't give him the time of day and the only one to ever say no. Fate has brought K. C. back into his life-except what he thought was a great twist of luck turns out to be too close for comfort. As they grow closer, he discovers that convincing K. C. to get out from under her mother's shadow is hard, but revealing the darkest parts of his soul is nearly impossible.… (mehr)
Titel:Falling Away (The Fall Away Series)
Autoren:Penelope Douglas (Autor)
Info:Berkley (2023), 432 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Falling Away von Penelope Douglas

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So many tears! Still so addicted. ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
I L-o-v-e-d this book!! Reading about Juliet and Jax was so interesting and fun. Their characters were so fun to discover. Reading about Juliet who we knew as K.C. we learn so much about her true self and not who she was forced to act like. Then Jax who we discovered being Jared's brother has such a unique character that I couldn't compare to anyone else was so different. In the earlier books, we are told that Jax had an interest in K.C. (Juliet) which made me excited to pick up this book. Their relationship was so different from the others couples in this series and they pulled me into the story so fast. Liam is such a jerk and I wanted to punch him in his fucking face for hurting my girl multiple times (but Jax did that for us *wink*). Their sexual relationship was also so hot. I also got frustrated at Jax for not seeing that he was good for Juliet and that she wanted him, but in the end, when they got together finally I was so happy. A-MAZING work like always Pen!! ( )
  Fehime | Oct 24, 2021 |
I loved this! It was both laugh out loud hilarious and heartbreakingly passionate. Penelope Douglas at her finest. ( )
  katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
My favorite in the series so far! ( )
  Antaisha | Jan 26, 2019 |
-- Want to know if the whole series is worth reading? Read my overall review of the whole series at! Spoiler Free!

Have you ever finished a book where you can't determine how you actually feel about it? I'm not talking about indifference or the "meh" factor (as I like to call it) where it was just so-so and nothing all that exciting. I'm talking about a book that had its great moments but had not-so-great moments in between--leaving you happy but disappointed all at once? I give those books the "mixed feelings" tag on Goodreads and I create that tag for this book specifically.

I went into this book with high anticipation because I've been waiting for this couple since the first book. So I was a little disappointed that this book takes place a few years later but I let it slide because it probably was for the best.

But when I actually saw them together I had to double check I wasn't rereading Bully because parts felt like a regurgitation of the first book. The heroine seemed super immature despite being 20 and the hero gave me the creeps a bit because he was a little too alpha. Which often made me feel like the relationship bordered on the unhealthy side of things. It was just that the intensity of their relationship, especially when they really had limited interaction before this book, was a little too extreme for me and it made me uncomfortable to read about. Which is why I had mixed feelings: sometimes I loved the couple together (they did have great chemistry) but other times the angst was just too much for me to take.

I also felt like there were too many things going on with these characters lives. Now, I like a lot of things happening in books and I understand that people lead complicated lives but this just seemed a little excessive to me. It kinda felt like the author decided to pile as much tragedy/drama into these character's lives as possible and it was overwhelming. I really felt like this book was 50 (ebook) pages too long and I would have enjoyed it more without the super packed character pasts.

I'm not sure how I feel about Aflame. I really don't think it is necessary but I will read it just to finish off the series.

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review:
Actual Rating: 3/5
( )
  seriesousbooks | Feb 7, 2018 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Douglas, PenelopeHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Craden, AbbyErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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K. C. Carter has always followed the rules-until she makes a mistake that leaves her the talk of her college campus and brings her carefully arranged life crashing to a halt. Now she's stuck in her small hometown for the summer so she can complete her court-ordered community service. To make matters worse, trouble is living right next door. Jaxon Trent is the worst kind of temptation and exactly what K. C. was supposed to stay away from in high school. But he never forgot her. She was the one girl who wouldn't give him the time of day and the only one to ever say no. Fate has brought K. C. back into his life-except what he thought was a great twist of luck turns out to be too close for comfort. As they grow closer, he discovers that convincing K. C. to get out from under her mother's shadow is hard, but revealing the darkest parts of his soul is nearly impossible.

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