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If you were me and lived in... Russia: A…
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If you were me and lived in... Russia: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World (2014. Auflage)

von Carole P. Roman

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See what life would be like if you lived in Russia.
Titel:If you were me and lived in... Russia: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World
Autoren:Carole P. Roman
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2014), Paperback, 32 pages
Sammlungen:2014 Done Reading
Tags:culture, Russia


If You Were Me and Lived in... Russia: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World von Carole P. Roman

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This author has written a series for children to which I HAVE become addicted. In each book she takes a different country and introduces us to its people and cultures, learn new words and makes it all relate-able. I've loved all things Russian forever and so this one is a particular favorite of mine.....looking at my Russian nesting dolls as i type!
For instance....Russia is SO large that it has NINE time zones?!
All i have to say to Carole Roman is...SPACEBO! ( )
  lineells | Dec 20, 2017 |
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a great series for school and public librarians, social studies teachers, and parents looking to provide their children with a global perspective. Each entry in the series provides a basic introduction to a country's culture from the perspective of a child. For example, in this entry we learn some of the common Russian terms that children use, such as rubles. All of the non-English words are accompanied by a pronunciation guide so that children can practice saying them correctly. We also see common landmarks, such as St. Basil's cathedral, as well as favorite Russian foods, toys, and activities. ( )
  lyssjj | Oct 12, 2015 |
Next stop Russia! If you have read Carole P. Roman’s earlier series of If You Were Me and Lived in…” books you would by this time feel as though you are on a round the world tour. All of the books in this series answer the type of questions of most interest to children. They also teach children that no matter now far apart you live, no matter how different in looks, children and their families have more in common than they have differences with other children around the world.

I enjoy reading the books to my granddaughter, and I learn from them too. The stories about local historic buildings, foods, and holidays, and other interesting facts about local culture make these books informative and fun. In this book, I enjoyed learning about the special Russian hat, the shapka ushanka, and that my little nesting dolls are called Matryoshka dolls.

I highly recommend all of the books in this series for parents, grandparents, schools, and pr
eschools. I would even recommend them for Sunday Schools in churches with an interest in missions to begin to cultivate an interest in other cultures.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Tmtrvlr | Jul 27, 2014 |
I love the cover and the colors. This is an easy to read introduction to learn about Russia. Carole P. Roman includes photo’s that are realistic and exciting to illustrate her points. “You could live in the capital city, Moscow (MOS-cow) and people would call you a “muscovite” (mus-cu-vite). It is the most populated city in Europe and is the fifth largest city in the world.” Great for learning for children for sure. I am 47 years old and loved to learn about Russia. The author helps you learn other worlds or worlds you may never get to visit. I paid 99 cents and it’s worth more than that for sure. Add this book to your learning experience and go places you can only imagine! © 2014 Jackie Paulson ( )
  jackie1966 | Jun 30, 2014 |
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See what life would be like if you lived in Russia.

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