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Vietnam War Heroes (Ten True Tales) von…
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Vietnam War Heroes (Ten True Tales) (2015. Auflage)

von Allan Zullo (Autor)

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Ten true stories of real-life heroes of the Vietnam War! Twenty-eight soldiers--all but five badly wounded or dead in the first few minutes of a devastating ambush--are fending off 200 North Vietnamese soldiers. US platoon leader Lieutenant Hal Fritz shouts to his comrades, "We will never give up!"Dozens of severely wounded soldiers are trapped in a fog-shrouded outpost and under merciless attack by the enemy. No other medical helicopter pilot will dare attempt a rescue, except for Major Patrick Brady. These and other American heroes risked their lives serving their country in the Vietnam War. You will never forget their courageous true stories. Allan Zullo is the author of more than 120 nonfiction books on subjects ranging from sports and the supernatural to history and animals. He has introduced readers to the Ten True Tales series, gripping stories of extraordinary persons who have met the challenges of dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, situations. In addition, he has authored five books about the real-life experiences of young people during the Holocaust. Allan, the father of two grown daughters and grandfather of five, lives with his wife, Kathryn, near Asheville, North Carolina. To learn more about the author, visit his website at… (mehr)
Titel:Vietnam War Heroes (Ten True Tales)
Autoren:Allan Zullo (Autor)
Info:Scholastic Inc. (2015), 192 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Vietnam War Heroes (Ten True Tales) von Allan Zullo

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The Vietnam War was an armed conflict involving communist North Vietnam and local guerrilla fighters known as the Viet Cong who fough against South Vietnam and its main ally, the United States, in the 1960s and 1970s.
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Ten true stories of real-life heroes of the Vietnam War! Twenty-eight soldiers--all but five badly wounded or dead in the first few minutes of a devastating ambush--are fending off 200 North Vietnamese soldiers. US platoon leader Lieutenant Hal Fritz shouts to his comrades, "We will never give up!"Dozens of severely wounded soldiers are trapped in a fog-shrouded outpost and under merciless attack by the enemy. No other medical helicopter pilot will dare attempt a rescue, except for Major Patrick Brady. These and other American heroes risked their lives serving their country in the Vietnam War. You will never forget their courageous true stories. Allan Zullo is the author of more than 120 nonfiction books on subjects ranging from sports and the supernatural to history and animals. He has introduced readers to the Ten True Tales series, gripping stories of extraordinary persons who have met the challenges of dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, situations. In addition, he has authored five books about the real-life experiences of young people during the Holocaust. Allan, the father of two grown daughters and grandfather of five, lives with his wife, Kathryn, near Asheville, North Carolina. To learn more about the author, visit his website at

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