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Saving the Sun Dragon: A Branches Book…
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Saving the Sun Dragon: A Branches Book (Dragon Masters #2) (2) (2014. Auflage)

von Tracey West (Autor)

Reihen: Dragon Masters (2)

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861426,213 (3.91)10
The dark magic the dragons encountered in their first adventure has made Ana's sun dragon, Kepri, sick and Drake's earth dragon, Worm, teleports the himself, Kepri, and the four young dragon masters far away from the castle in search of a cure--but the threat of the dark magic still remains.
Titel:Saving the Sun Dragon: A Branches Book (Dragon Masters #2) (2)
Autoren:Tracey West (Autor)
Info:Scholastic Inc. (2014), 96 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Saving the Sun Dragon von Tracey West

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{My thoughts} – In this all new exciting book we quickly learn that Ana’s dragon, Kepri is sick. Griffith the wizard that is helping to train the Dragon Masters figures out that it is because of the strange red orb that had been present when the tunnel had collapsed in the previous book. They all start out in search of a cure for the sick dragon. They read through many different books and happen upon a potion and try that it. It doesn’t work.

Come nigh time Drake’s dragon Worm calls to him. Tells him he needs him right away. He and the other Dragon Masters get to the dragon’s in time to see that Kepri is much sicker and doesn’t seem to be getting better. Then all of the sudden them Kepri and Worm are all transported to a pyramid. Once they are there they start to figure out that Worm was able to transport them.

They end up finding a cure for Kepri and then they all head back to their Kingdom again. It was a nice follow up to the beginning of the story. I really like how these books are written. They are fast paced and help to keep a child interested in them. I look forward to reading the next book in the series soon. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
The dragon masters must find a cure for Kepri the Sun Dragon because she was cursed. They find the cure in a far away place with the help of other dragons and dragon masters.
1 abstimmen Jennaclubb | Aug 31, 2016 |
I was so annoyed with the last beginning chapter series I tried (Kingdom of Wrenly) that I didn't feel like ever reading another beginning chapter fantasy again. However, several people suggested this Branches series, "Dragon Masters" and I got back up onto the horse (or dragon, as it may be) and gave it a go.

I really liked it. It's not perfect, it's not exactly what I'm looking for, but it avoids a lot of the flaws I've seen in other beginning chapter fantasies and I think it will be popular.

In the first book, Rise of the Earth Dragon, Drake gets taken from his family's onion farm up to the castle to become a dragon master. He's assigned to an earth dragon, whom he names Worm, and meets the other dragon masters and their dragons. Drake is excited and scared to be a dragon master, especially when the other kids aren't friendly and it becomes apparent that there many secrets; what does King Roland want with the dragons? Why are they a secret?

The second book, Saving the Sun Dragon, continues the story. After the children's adventure in the tunnels, when they are saved by Worm, some of the dark magic they encounter has affected Ana's dragon, Kepri. The children and the wizard who mentors them try to heal her, especially when King Roland threatens to take away Wizard Griffiths, but they are unsuccessful. Only when Drake discovers another secret power of his dragon Worm are they able to heal Kepri - and go on an exciting adventure.

Each of the four children are loosely associated with the nationality of the mythology their dragon is drawn from. Worm and Drake, and the general setting of the story, are Welsh, Rori and her dragon Vulcan are Irish/British, Bo and his dragon Shu are Asian, Ana and her dragon Kepri are Persian maybe? The stories still stick to the European boy as underdog hero, but at least a variety of nationalities and genders are included. I also liked that the stories don't glorify feudalism (or, at least they haven't yet). King Roland isn't the good and wise king of Disneyfied fairy tales and the children and dragons miss their homes and families.

Verdict: There are not a lot of beginning chapter fantasies available and I don't get asked for them often, but I wonder if that's cause and effect; if there were more available (and I promoted them more) would kids ask for them more? Regardless, I think this is the best that I've looked at so far. Tracey West has an engaging writing style and knows what kids will enjoy reading. If you're looking for beginning chapter fantasies, these are a good choice.

Rise of the earth dragon
ISBN: 9780545646239

Saving the sun dragon
ISBN: 9780545646253

Published 2014 by Scholastic; Borrowed from another library in my consortium; Purchased for the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Jul 18, 2015 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Tracey WestHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Jones, DamienIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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For my friend George, who would make a good teacher of Dragon Masters.
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Drake shaded his eyes from the sun.
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The dark magic the dragons encountered in their first adventure has made Ana's sun dragon, Kepri, sick and Drake's earth dragon, Worm, teleports the himself, Kepri, and the four young dragon masters far away from the castle in search of a cure--but the threat of the dark magic still remains.

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