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Cellulose & Cellulose Derivatives in the Food Industry

von Tanja Wüstenberg

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Cellulose and its derivatives can be found in many forms in nature and is a valuable material for all manner of applications in industry. This book is authored by an expert with many years of experience as an application engineer at renowned cellulose processing companies in the food industry. All the conventional and latest knowledge available on cellulose and its derivatives is presented. The necessary details are elucidated from a theoretical and practical viewpoint, while retaining the focus on food applications. This book is an essential source of information and includes recommendations and instructions of a general nature to assist readers in the exploration of possible applications of cellulose and its derivatives, as well as providing food for thought for the generation of new ideas for product development. Topics include gelling and rheological properties, synergistic effects with other hydrocolloids, as well as nutritional and legal aspects. The resulting compilation covers all the information and advice needed for the successful development, implementation, and handling of cellulose-containing products.… (mehr)
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Cellulose and its derivatives can be found in many forms in nature and is a valuable material for all manner of applications in industry. This book is authored by an expert with many years of experience as an application engineer at renowned cellulose processing companies in the food industry. All the conventional and latest knowledge available on cellulose and its derivatives is presented. The necessary details are elucidated from a theoretical and practical viewpoint, while retaining the focus on food applications. This book is an essential source of information and includes recommendations and instructions of a general nature to assist readers in the exploration of possible applications of cellulose and its derivatives, as well as providing food for thought for the generation of new ideas for product development. Topics include gelling and rheological properties, synergistic effects with other hydrocolloids, as well as nutritional and legal aspects. The resulting compilation covers all the information and advice needed for the successful development, implementation, and handling of cellulose-containing products.

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