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What's Next? Updated: Finding Your Passion…
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What's Next? Updated: Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond (2014. Auflage)

von Kerry Hannon (Autor)

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Reinvent your own career or pursue a long-held dream. You may never have a better chance or reason to do so--to get excited about work again and feel passionate about making a difference in the world. Your new career could easily outlast your first one. Breaking into a new industry or pursuing a different career can be intimidating, especially when you've built up years of experience in your current field. But jobs expert Kerry Hannon believes that you can start your next act at any age. In What's Next? Hannon shows you how, with inspiring real-life profiles of people who have successfully changed careers midlife, as well as advice on: * Determining how your next career will work with your spending habits and family situation * Creating your transition network * Finding a mentor to guide you along your new path * Turning a hobby into a profit * Finding capital to start your own business Whether you're fantasizing about a new path or ready to pursue it, What's Next? provides the roadmap that will afford you long-term success. … (mehr)
Titel:What's Next? Updated: Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond
Autoren:Kerry Hannon (Autor)
Info:Berkley (2014), Edition: Upd Rev, 272 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Noch zu lesen


What's Next? Updated: Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond von Kerry Hannon

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Reinvent your own career or pursue a long-held dream. You may never have a better chance or reason to do so--to get excited about work again and feel passionate about making a difference in the world. Your new career could easily outlast your first one. Breaking into a new industry or pursuing a different career can be intimidating, especially when you've built up years of experience in your current field. But jobs expert Kerry Hannon believes that you can start your next act at any age. In What's Next? Hannon shows you how, with inspiring real-life profiles of people who have successfully changed careers midlife, as well as advice on: * Determining how your next career will work with your spending habits and family situation * Creating your transition network * Finding a mentor to guide you along your new path * Turning a hobby into a profit * Finding capital to start your own business Whether you're fantasizing about a new path or ready to pursue it, What's Next? provides the roadmap that will afford you long-term success. 

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