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The Redeemers (A Quinn Colson Novel) von Ace…
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The Redeemers (A Quinn Colson Novel) (Original 2015; 2016. Auflage)

von Ace Atkins (Autor)

Reihen: Quinn Colson (5)

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17913157,712 (3.74)8
"One of the best crime writers at work today."--Michael Connelly The electrifying new novel in New York Times-bestselling author Ace Atkins's acclaimed series about the real Deep South. He is only in his early thirties, but now Quinn Colson is jobless--voted out of office as sheriff of Tibbehah County, Mississippi, thanks to the machinations of county kingpin Johnny Stagg. He has offers, in bigger and better places, but before he goes, he's got one more job to do--bring down Stagg's criminal operations for good. At least that's the plan. But in the middle of the long, hot summer, a trio of criminals stage a bold, wall-smashing break-in at the home of a local lumber mill owner, making off with a million dollars in cash from his safe, which is curious, because the mill owner is wealthy--but not that wealthy. None of this has anything to do with Colson, but during the investigation, two men are killed, one of them the new sheriff. His friend, acting sheriff Lillie Virgil, and a dangerous former flame, Anna Lee Stevens, both ask him to step in, and reluctantly he does, only to discover that that safe contained more than just money--it held secrets. Secrets that could either save Colson--or destroy him once and for all"-- "The electrifying new novel in New York Times-bestselling author Ace Atkins's acclaimed series about the real Deep South"--… (mehr)
Titel:The Redeemers (A Quinn Colson Novel)
Autoren:Ace Atkins (Autor)
Info:G.P. Putnam's Sons (2016), Edition: Reprint, 400 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Redeemers von Ace Atkins (2015)

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This series has come to an end for me. When it first started it was outstanding, Quinn Colson returns from the Middle East to his dysfunctional family in a small town in Mississippi and ends up being the chief of police. There was the town bad guy/king pin Johnny Stagg, deputy Lillie Virgil, and Colson fighting over who will control the town.
Jump ahead to the 5th book. And these characters have become one dimensional. Quinn's family especially his sister is a train wreck, but it is a wreck I don't care about.
The only thing that kept this story going for me was the additional criminals responsible for the basis of this book, they were crazy, inept, trash rednecks, behaving stupidly.
I don't know if the author Ace Atkins is spread too thin with the other writing projects he has or if he has also become tired of this series, though there is already a book 6- damn those series book deals- but I seriously doubt I will read the 6th book. My guess is Quinn is back as chief and a new set of criminals are raising a ruckus. ( )
  zmagic69 | Mar 31, 2023 |
Another winner from Ace Atkins, my guilty pleasure in reading. More really dumb criminals, much like its lookalike TV show Justified. If you've read the earlier books, it's mostly more of the same, which is a good thing. If you haven't read them, you should start with the earlier books, as the story is pretty much continuous. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
I've found a series to fill the void left after reading all Longmire books by Craig Johnson. Now, starting with book five in a series is perhaps not the smartest thing to do, but it's my thing and, despite some struggle, in the beginning, to get the hang on the characters is this a book that I felt was just right up my alley. From the fabulous team of ex-sheriff Quinn Colson and deputy sheriff Lillie Virgil to the hapless criminals that are hired by a disgruntled man to break into a safe. Its action, it's humor and it's definitely captivating to read, or in my case listen to since I partly read, but mostly listened to the audiobook. The story is fabulous, especially the break-in part. Man, this robbery plan is doomed from the start.

The Redeemers is a fabulous thriller. I had a blast reading/listening to this book. The storyline is both funny and thrilling and I instantly liked both Quinn and Lillie. This is the kind of book that works reading as a stand-alone after one has figured out who is who. However, I bet it's even better to read this series from the beginning. What I did after finishing this book was listening to book three and four that were available as audiobooks and when they were done did I order the two first books in the series. Yup, you can say that I was hooked! So, now I'm waiting for my books to arrive!

If you are a Longmire fan, then I definitely recommend this series to read.

I want to thank G.P. Putnam's Sons for providing me with a free copy through Edelweiss for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
This series has come to an end for me. When it first started it was outstanding, Quinn Colson returns from the Middle East to his dysfunctional family in a small town in Mississippi and ends up being the chief of police. There was the town bad guy/king pin Johnny Stagg, deputy Lillie Virgil, and Colson fighting over who will control the town.
Jump ahead to the 5th book. And these characters have become one dimensional. Quinn's family especially his sister is a train wreck, but it is a wreck I don't care about.
The only thing that kept this story going for me was the additional criminals responsible for the basis of this book, they were crazy, inept, trash rednecks, behaving stupidly.
I don't know if the author Ace Atkins is spread too thin with the other writing projects he has or if he has also become tired of this series, though there is already a book 6- damn those series book deals- but I seriously doubt I will read the 6th book. My guess is Quinn is back as chief and a new set of criminals are raising a ruckus. ( )
  zmagic69 | Oct 4, 2016 |
Ace Atkins is one hell of a writer. He can write books in his own voice and in the voice of Robert B. Parker, when he writes the Spenser books. The Redeemers was good from start to finish with a couple of new memorable characters that were top notch and really made the story for me. ( )
  bjkelley | Aug 13, 2016 |
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If we take prisoners, we keep 'em separate till we have had time to examine them, so they can't cook up a story between 'em. --Rogers' Rangers Standing Order No. 5
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"One of the best crime writers at work today."--Michael Connelly The electrifying new novel in New York Times-bestselling author Ace Atkins's acclaimed series about the real Deep South. He is only in his early thirties, but now Quinn Colson is jobless--voted out of office as sheriff of Tibbehah County, Mississippi, thanks to the machinations of county kingpin Johnny Stagg. He has offers, in bigger and better places, but before he goes, he's got one more job to do--bring down Stagg's criminal operations for good. At least that's the plan. But in the middle of the long, hot summer, a trio of criminals stage a bold, wall-smashing break-in at the home of a local lumber mill owner, making off with a million dollars in cash from his safe, which is curious, because the mill owner is wealthy--but not that wealthy. None of this has anything to do with Colson, but during the investigation, two men are killed, one of them the new sheriff. His friend, acting sheriff Lillie Virgil, and a dangerous former flame, Anna Lee Stevens, both ask him to step in, and reluctantly he does, only to discover that that safe contained more than just money--it held secrets. Secrets that could either save Colson--or destroy him once and for all"-- "The electrifying new novel in New York Times-bestselling author Ace Atkins's acclaimed series about the real Deep South"--

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