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A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the…
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A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to the Beatles with Bookmark (1994. Auflage)

von M. J. Ryan

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2234125,523 (4.29)Keine
Mealtime is a moment to give thanks--a collection of 365 blessings that "traverses all spiritual traditions."--Library Journal   Today there is a deep hunger for connection with ourselves, with nature, and with others, says life coach and New York Times-bestselling author of Attitudes of Gratitude M. J. Ryan. What A Grateful Heart offers, from a wide variety of spiritual disciplines and secular perspectives, is a way of satisfying that hunger by setting aside time before we eat to acknowledge the blessings in our lives. When we give thanks, we take our place in the great wheel of life, recognizing our connection to one another and to all of creation. Reclaim and enrich the tradition of pausing before the evening meal to give thanks. Drawing from a range of religious and cultural practices, the 365 blessings in this book celebrate friendship, love, peace, reconciliation, the body, nature, joy, and appreciation of the moment. This illustrated feast for the mind includes quotations from Martin Luther King Jr., Thich Nhat Hanh, Gandhi, Rumi, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Denise Levertov, the Bible, and the Tao Te Ching, among many others. M.J. Ryan wrote A Grateful Heart to encourage families to share the experience of being part of something greater than themselves. With that in mind, the book includes 365 traditional and nontraditional blessings organized into four sections corresponding to the seasons.… (mehr)
Titel:A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to the Beatles with Bookmark
Autoren:M. J. Ryan
Info:Conari Press (1994), Edition: First, Hardcover, 280 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Home lives, meal blessings


A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to the Beatles von M. J. Ryan

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A collection of 365 blessings to say at mealtime.
  PendleHillLibrary | Mar 6, 2024 |
Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to the Beatles (Prayers, Poems, Gratitude, Affirmations,Thanks)
  phoenixlibrary2023 | Feb 22, 2024 |
A Grateful Heart
Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to The Beatles
Edited by M. J. Ryan

This is a precious and unique daily verse book focusing on the evening meal or in my case the evening time because my meal shows up at scattered hours, so I just picked a page for the season we are in and I meditated for a while on a quote I saw on there. These beautiful heart felt prayers focus on many different topics of our lives, but all 365 have the theme of God and gratitude for all the blessings we have.

I feel the author did an outstanding job in producing such an awesome variety, and displayed them in such an easy to follow format with many of the choices simple and right to the point. This blessed little goodie has made it's way to my spiritual tool box and my nightly meditation. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a little help at night keeping a positive and enlightened focus or even as a gift to someone special.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann ( )
  biunicorn | Mar 17, 2012 |
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Mealtime is a moment to give thanks--a collection of 365 blessings that "traverses all spiritual traditions."--Library Journal   Today there is a deep hunger for connection with ourselves, with nature, and with others, says life coach and New York Times-bestselling author of Attitudes of Gratitude M. J. Ryan. What A Grateful Heart offers, from a wide variety of spiritual disciplines and secular perspectives, is a way of satisfying that hunger by setting aside time before we eat to acknowledge the blessings in our lives. When we give thanks, we take our place in the great wheel of life, recognizing our connection to one another and to all of creation. Reclaim and enrich the tradition of pausing before the evening meal to give thanks. Drawing from a range of religious and cultural practices, the 365 blessings in this book celebrate friendship, love, peace, reconciliation, the body, nature, joy, and appreciation of the moment. This illustrated feast for the mind includes quotations from Martin Luther King Jr., Thich Nhat Hanh, Gandhi, Rumi, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Denise Levertov, the Bible, and the Tao Te Ching, among many others. M.J. Ryan wrote A Grateful Heart to encourage families to share the experience of being part of something greater than themselves. With that in mind, the book includes 365 traditional and nontraditional blessings organized into four sections corresponding to the seasons.

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